Thursday, October 17, 2024

Archangel Michael: Find The Vibrational Match to Yourselves - October 16, 2024


by James McConnell

I am Archangel Michael and I come to be with you at this time, in these times of vibrational frequency, everything now my friends is about frequency, vibration and consciousness.

Everything is moving in that direction and you are finding yourselves moving in that direction, in the sense that you are finding the match.

You spoke about that in your discussion earlier; and it was not by happenstance, not by coincidence, that this came about, that this topic was broached here. Because it is all about that as you continue to move forward in your ascension process, is all about finding that vibrational match to yourselves as you are being drawn more into nature, or you are being drawn, attracted to other people of like mind, like soul, like body.

All of this, the match that you are all looking for, because you are drawn to that, it is calling you, the vibrational frequency match is calling you and allow that call to happen, allow yourself to be attracted to whatever it is, it can be people, it can be nature, it can also be materialistic things as well, if there are those things that you are desiring in your life.

Those things that are calling to you, whatever they might be and allow it to be, allow yourself to be a match to those, to those, whatever it is.

But certainly to people, you will find more and more that you are attracted to those of like mind and repelled by those that are not of a like mind. and that is okay.

It is okay to find your way in a different path, you are on a different path from many others, even those of, some of your family, your friends, your acquaintances.

You are on your own path. They are on their path and allow that process to be, do not try to control it, just let it be what it is and you will find if you do that, you will be attracted to higher vibrational frequency matches whatever that might be, whatever that will bring to you in your life. It will bring you whatever it is that you are needing, the universe shall provide for you.

However you are matching to that universe. That is where you are all headed, so allow that process. Allow the diverging, I have mentioned this before, other sources have been mentioning this more and more now, the diverging timelines are indeed happening.

And you are finding that all of the old timelines, the old three-dimensional illusion is being brought out into the light, the shadows of that illusion are being brought into the light. The truth, the truth indeed shall set you free. That is what that means. It will indeed set you free as you allow the process to continue. Do not be concerned about what it is that you see with your physical eyes.

That is an illusion, always know that as you see that third dimensional illusion; the matrix if you will, and you do not any more become encumbered by it, being held by it, being mired in this sludge that is there. Allow for yourself to be drawn out of that more and more. And as you do that you will find that your life will take on a different direction, a different path if you will.

But always, you will be following the path that you were meant to follow, the path that is leading you out of that third dimensional illusion up into the fourth dimension and beyond into the fifth and even higher than that.

So as always allow the process, trust the plan because it is working out exactly as it needs to, the universe is indeed providing exactly as you need to, so even though you look at those things that are happening in that third dimensional illusion in the matrix, you realize that it is indeed an illusion.

I am archangel Michael and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness and that you continue to realize the illusion is fading more and more, and in place of that, is the new higher reality of your own creation.

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