Thursday, July 18, 2024

Nicky Hamid: The Ascended Masters - July 18, 2024


by Nicky Hamid

The Ascended Masters are not Beings that are above you in ways unreachable, untouchable, and exalted beyond the “Earth realms”.

They are Brothers and Sisters who have made The Walk through human conditions, integrated the experience with their Beingness of Pure Light and Love, and have shown and are teaching The Way, and various ‘flavors’ of The Way Home for each of us.

I Know them as my Friends. They are your Friends also.

They have walked the same road of suffering, heart ache, doubt and confusion that you have been walking.

They grew to thrive here in this realm, and have shone their Diamond Light so magnificently on their “Walk” that the Presence of that Light has remained and impresses thousands to this day.

And if you would stand up a little and be prepared to look them in the eye, face to face, with open arms, and declare your open heart felt willingness, you can have a relationship with them just as you might in meeting someone here on Earth as Soul Family.

Imagine that.

You can walk beside them (they are Present and available to you right “Now”), to the degree you can honor yourself enough to invite them in as Friends and Mentors.

And you will Light the hearts of others just as they have done. It is your destiny if you choose to own your Magnificent Connection, and allow them fully into your daily life.

And So It Is.

I So Love You

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