Saturday, July 20, 2024

Messages from the Angels via Ann Albers -07/20/2024 • Permission to feel good

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

There is so much love in your world. There are hearts that love so much they forget to love and start to long, and then they hurt.  There are people who love their causes and ideas so much they forget to love and fall into hate. But more often than not, there are countless billions of souls who remember that love feels better and that in a space of kindness, compassion, and love, they feel most like their true selves.

Love is the only solution to all the world's ills, for all problems and pains stem from a disconnection from your true self—a disconnection from love. Conversely, all joy comes from embracing the vibration of love. 

Some of you have served everyone else until you hurt because you have not taken care of yourselves equally. Some of you love an ideology so much that you hate those who run counter to it. There are those of you who care so deeply that you feel powerless when watching people make unloving decisions.

Nevertheless, dear ones, no matter the trigger, it remains within your power to return to love and reclaim the peace, health, abundance, and comfort that is yours.

You can shift your energy with a single thought. As you focus on what feels more like love, you open to the eternal flow of life and love and allow the Divine to dissolve your problems.

You can release your financial problems by focusing on life's blessings and allowing yourself to feel the abundance here and now. In that vibration, more will flow.

You can release your physical ills by focusing on all that gives you joy, receiving love from others, or sitting with your angels to receive our constant love. In time, the flow that you open yourself up to receive can even recalibrate the body.

You can release emotional ills by giving up the painful stories of your past and focusing on what is good here and now. Look for it. Acknowledge the good within yourself. Make it your mission to find small things that feel good, and in time, this quest for comfort, kindness to self, and blessings in the moment will call you forward beyond the pain of the past.

Your anxieties come from feeling unloved. If you knew how much you were embraced by the Creator of universes, you would not worry about a thing.

Your fears come from feeling unloved. If you knew how loved you were, you would live with heartfelt abandon.

Your anger comes from feeling unloved. If you knew how loved you are, you wouldn't have to worry about the behavior or anyone else. You would receive our love and feel so deeply cherished that those who don't feel like love to you would be less relevant to your journey.

Even in your very human and understandable grief, in which you miss the love that was once present in the form of a loved one in front of you, they are still loving you, waiting for you to sit quietly and receive.

No one in the heavens would dream of making you wrong for feeling any of these these things. When you are in the tougher spaces, we hold the vision of your emergence back into the awareness you are loved. When you feel hopeless, we remain steady in our vision of your emergence into hope. When you feel upset, we remain steady in our vision of your emergence back into peace. We hold the vision of your future joy when you feel lost in grief.

We never waiver from loving you and gently reminding you that you are loved. You are cherished.  You are guided. You are protected.

Start small in your quest to find the vibration of love. Look for the tiniest things to feel good about, and then take a moment and allow yourself to feel good. No matter what is happening in the world, give yourself permission to feel good. No matter what is happening in your personal life, permit yourself to enjoy moments of goodness. No matter who around you is doing what, let them be who they wish to be and focus on your own joy.

You can't solve the problems or change the vibrations of others for them, but you can pull your energy back into your own center and ask yourself a simple question, "How can I find the vibration of love right here and now?"

You can't find the vibration of love while focusing on things and beings that upset you. You cannot force yourself to feel good about things you don't like. However, you can always look around for the good in other places, people, and situations. You can allow yourself to feel good.

We know there is a lot of violence on your earth. We've watched these misunderstandings for centuries as one group or person tries to kill off another to end an ideology by eliminating its "form" in the 3D world. In truth, ideologies are vibrations, and vibrations cannot be killed.  Vibrations cannot be eliminated. Vibrations cannot end.

You cannot get rid of a song because you don't like it. But you can tune it out. You can tune into the songs you do like. You can refuse to dial into a radio station or watch a broadcast that upsets you and instead pick one you enjoy. Likewise, in your world, you cannot eradicate an ideology or a soul, but you can focus so strongly on what you do love that this new vibration begins to take the place of the old.

Imagine that there are two radio stations upon your earth. One broadcasts love, and one broadcasts hate.  Suppose someone is playing the hateful station very loudly nearby. If you begin to focus upon and hate the hateful station, you are still listening to it. You are not receiving the loving station.  Now, imagine you walk away or put on earbuds or headphones and tune into the broadcast of love. Suddenly, the broadcast of hate becomes irrelevant to you. You are receiving love. Suppose many of you did this all at once. Now, your reception of the loving broadcast becomes so strong and beautiful that it will overpower the vibration of hate—not by fighting it, but rather by simply turning away.

You came to earth wanting the experience of delicious diversity.  You are far more stimulated by the buffet of life than you would ever be if offered only one set of people, one set of ideologies, and one set of behaviors. It is the diversity of life itself that helps you hone your preferences and your desires. The contrasts motivate you to aim love from the nonphysical reality until it forms into a creation in the physical.

By all means, don't eat foods you don't enjoy, and don't swallow ideas you don't enjoy, but dear ones, tune into the vibration of love by focusing upon what you can easily love, and let the rest be the station you simply tune out. 

Love what you can, for in that vibration of love, you will feel like your best self. You will feel good, and you will attract good.  Ideally, in complete alignment with your soul, you would love and value all things. That said, there is no need to make yourself like what you do not, and to force yourself to love what you cannot right now. Simply turn towards what you can. Enjoy the flow of love where you can find it easily.

Let the world do what the world needs to do. Let your family, friends, and neighbors do what they need to do, even if you don't like it. Speak your truth, ignore the unkind, or turn away. Do what feels right for you right now, and then turn your sights toward that which feels more like love. You deserve this peace. You deserve to tap into and feel the flow of love eternal.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

-- The Angels

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