Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Archangel Michael: Millions of Variables - July 17, 2024

Steve: When Kathleen shared with me this quote from her readings with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, I begged her to share it with you. In a series of posts, she offers us some of his most relevant advice and fruitful re-interpretations over the years.

If anyone else has material from the Company of Heaven that helps us understand the workings of ourselves and the universe, please do share a transcript or audio with us.

Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Kathleen Mary Willis through Linda Dillon, Sept. 12, 2012.

Archangel Michael: I begin with change this day, for it is a journey of change. It is a journey of fulfillment.

In many ways, sweet angel, your life is about fulfillment of a promise, and fulfillment, acceptance and anchoring of your magnificent self.

There is no room, ever, for judgment, for fault, for blame, for criticism, for doubt, and you say to me, “Michael, how can I avoid doubt, when so much has come to pass?”

But this is part of the unfoldment.

Is it a necessary part? The ups and downs and zigs and zags?

No, (1) but it does not change anything, and that is probably one of the most important things I have to say to thee today.

Yes, I have said it is a journey of the self. It is the unfoldment of your plan within the Plan, and is that impacted and affected by the free will not only of your beloved sweet self but by the free will decisions and choices of others? Yes, of course it is.

But let us be very clear. We are also part of this unfoldment. (2)

Yes, there are things that occur upon the planet because of the variables and the choices of the humans, individually and collectively, that we have a desire would never happen.

But it does not change our plan, not in the bigger and in the genuine sense.

You feel that you often deal with many variables, many scenarios that are hard to comprehend and that are very complex within the realm of human doings.

But, dear heart, we are very used to dealing with millions and zillions of variables simultaneously, and constantly making adjustments so that the grander unfoldment simply comes to pass, not in spite of the human collective, but in tandem with the human collective, in partnership.

Now, does this require, on your part and ours, enormous faith, trust, flexibility?

Yes, but that is also a given and a status quo.

That has been the same for millions of years and so now we arrive at a time of unfoldment when the shift is very close.

But that does not mean that certain pieces of the unfoldment are still not planned and will [not?] come to pass.

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