Wednesday, July 24, 2024

All Good Is on Its Way - Heavenletter #6413

God said:

Beloved, all the good in the world is still out there waiting to reach you. You fear to count on this. You don’t have to count on it, yet you might as well, for all good is on its way to you as We speak. All good is on its way to you this very second. It may seem to you that it has been a long time waiting. This is rather an idle fantasy of yours. The dream is the reality.

It isn’t that you have to believe that all good is on its way to you. You have to know that it is truly creditable for you to receive limitless gifts. Nothing is too good for you. You are quite good enough. There is no plum that cannot fall into your open palm. This doesn’t make you a beggar. This makes you a receiver.

Let go of any idea you may hold that I, God, am stingy. Above all, do not restrict yourself from receiving. No ligatures of thought are to bind you from all that you and I desire for you. Deliver yourself to your deepest heart post-haste.

Believe altogether in the fulfillment of dreams. You might as well. Do you have something else to believe in more heartily than your deepest dreams? Urge them on. Don’t throw up your hands as if your dreams are pitiable and can never come true. I tell you that you are here on Earth for the very fulfillment of your dreams and Mine. Do you possibly think that I dismiss your dreams? I have far livelier things to do.

There are some ideas you want to get out of your head. Keep ideas in your heart, for that is where all your dreams belong.

Favor your heart's dreams over your mind's logic. Love your dreams and acknowledge the power of your happy heart. I go as far as to say that the power of your heart is the whole story. Surely, therein hangs the tale. Holding your thoughts fast isn’t the way to make your dreams come true. Free your dreams. Free your thoughts to all possibilities.

Thoughts are never meant to be scrubbed dry. Thoughts are meant to be rife with success. Moist fervent well-circulated thoughts win the day. Vitalized thoughts land on fertile soil. Be My guest. You have always been My guest to accept your dreams as real. Plant your thoughts in good soil. Water them. Do not pull your thoughts out by their roots too early. You know there is a waiting time. A waiting time does not mean, I repeat, that your dreams have to be a long time coming.

I will tell you this. When your dreams appear in front of you, this is when it is always easy. They have already come. Put up no barriers of thoughts to intervene with the manifestation of even your most spectacular thoughts. All you desire is meant to appear before you. It is natural that your dreams come true. Where did you ever get the idea that you were ever to be last in line? What a deflector that idea is. There is no thief in the midst of your thoughts unless it is you, Beloved. Desire and receive. This is how it works.

You call it a miracle when dreams coming true are an everyday occurrence. This is how it is supposed to be. Get with it. Join up with a series of miracles spread before you. Don’t make yourself wait longer because of doubt. God-given miracles have been waiting for you to accept. Your miracles are waiting on every doorstep for you to accept, Lazy Bones!

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