Beloved masters, many of you are experiencing the cutting edge of creative existence as you rapidly move through the remaining distortions of your old reality into a more clearly defined life and viewpoint. However, your emotional and mental awareness are still at odds and battling with the dichotomy of old and new thought forms and beliefs that are swirling around you. Symbolically, in one hand you are holding your justly earned higher vibrational awareness and wisdom as you test and validate your newly expanded senses. You are beginning to become accustomed to the many small and large miraculous manifestations that are occurring in your everyday life.
Yet, on the other hand, you are still endeavoring to juggle the swirling mass of distorted thought forms prevalent in the common mass consciousness belief system of humanity. The Earth and humanity are deep in the throes of the remaining vestiges of the old Third- / Fourth-Dimensional reality. Thereby, perpetuating fear, lack, separation, and the deep-seated need to control and dominate others. It is truly a cosmic dance you are in the midst of, and what we are endeavoring to do is help you find the harmonic cadence and beat which will allow you to waltz, glide and surf on the crests of the New Age waves of change; as well as modify the troughs or lows in-between.
Have we not told you many times before: ‘This great drama all of humanity is now experiencing is not about Light or dark; good or evil; negative or positive; right or wrong, for there are many shades, interpretations and levels of truth within each of these concepts.’ What you are seeking is the middle or balanced Path. This entails bringing all the Facets of your Being: the physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies back into harmony once more so that they are resonating compatibly, and they complement and strengthen each other.
First, you accomplish this in what could be seen as a horizontal fashion, whereby, you reintegrate all the energetic Facets of yourself you have created within your Etheric Body and Auric Field. You focus within on each chakra-mind center, and through your enlightened intent, you gradually reprogram each of these centers, thereby replacing old dis-empowering vibrations with new refined Memory Seed Atoms of Creator-consciousness. As you do so, the refined energy from each center radiates outward redefining and harmonizing the attributes and qualities that pertain to each particular energy center. As we have taught before; as you harmonize these energy centers, one-by-one, you activate and reconnect the seven seals of higher consciousness, which ignites the Etheric Pillar of Light or Rod of Power that runs through your physical vessel, along your spinal column. As a result, you gain access to the more rarified vertical levels of consciousness known as your Higher Self and Super-conscious Mind. By doing so, this speeds up the process of returning your “Out of Balance Cross of matter” to its “designed Spectrum of Light and Shadow” or the “Middle Path of duality and polarity.
Those of you who are deep in the midst of this transformational process at this time are experiencing many conflicting patterns of thought; however, you are learning to be an observer of the process and view your everyday drama of life from the higher vantage point of a master. You are experiencing fewer and less dramatic lows, and you are processing these more quickly, so that you may move back into your center of power. However, it is also a critical time of testing your ability to claim what is to be your highest truth, and to maintain your balance as the waves of change ebb and flow.
As you become accustomed to observing your world from a loftier viewpoint, you will be able to sense the energetic probable future time lines, which those around you are creating with their positive or negative thought forms and actions. You will intuitively see what is ahead of them if they continue on their present course – possibly not the particular details but the uplifting or stressful results of their actions. Just as we cannot interfere or resolve your problems for you, you should not try to intercede for those around you. What you can do is not get caught up in their negative dramas. You can serve best by being an unwavering example and staying firmly in the power of your heart center; each and every moment, no matter what occurs in the world around you.
The Universal Laws of Cause and Effect, known as Karma, have always been an inherent rule of Creation, whereby all “cocreators within the material planes of consciousness” must experience what they create. The fall into the density of miscreation, whereby your auric field and bodily form were gradually permeated with the negative vibrations of fear, guilt, shame, feelings of unworthiness, and self-doubt resulted in the formation of a great Karmic Board and the mighty Wheel of Karma.
Too often those who are struggling with the early stages of Self-mastery find that they cannot stand the pressure of the dramatic changes taking place within their personal world, and so they shift back into the frequency patterns which are comfortable. Even though they are dissatisfied and unhappy with their current personal reality, it is familiar territory and they are not ready to move beyond the strong bonds of the mass consciousness belief patterns. These fragments of self that each of you have created are very strong-willed, and for many dear Souls it is a difficult struggle to gain control of the lower self.
With the assistance of your personal Fifth-Dimensional Council of Light, before you incarnated into each lifetime, you chose the specific, negative vibrational patterns from past lives that you wished to “transform into balance and harmony.” Each of you were placed in a particular Holographic, energetic environment with specific frequency patterns, which would be most advantageous in assisting you to learn the life’s lessons you chose to rectify. In addition, you were given special talents, gifts and strong inclinations to assist you in fulfilling your life’s mission.
The exact situations you would experience were not planned. However, it was planned for you to be exposed to situations that would give you the greatest opportunity to “heal and harmonize the imbalanced frequencies within your physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies.” Each Soul incarnates into the ancestral family lineage and the frequency pattern hologram that will create the “picture of reality” for your greatest opportunity: EACH SOUL MUST AGREE TO THE CHOSEN PLAN.
The awakening of Self from an unconscious state of Being is one of the most dramatic steps in the evolutionary process of humankind. In order to become Self-conscious, you must become aware of what is happening in your personal world. You must sharpen your thinking process and learn to live in the moment, or the NOW moment. In order to gain experience and wisdom, you must think about what you want to remember, and what you wish to retain in your memory bank. The unconscious-of-Self person drifts randomly through life, usually not thinking of what the consequences of his or her actions will be; therefore, they are seemingly tossed about by the whims of fate. As you shift from self-judgment to Self-love, it will create a resonance that extends beyond the physical body and it will begin to affect others. When it grows forceful enough, it can even assist in the healing process for those within your sphere of influence.
One of the changes in the Universal Laws for the New Age is that humanity has been given a Divine Dispensation ─ which no longer requires that you balance or harmonize a major portion of the negative vibrational patterns you have created before you can ascend into the entry level of the Fifth Dimension − ONLY 51%. When you have done so, you move into a gradually progressive STATE OF GRACE. Thereafter, you are assisted in moving through the remaining 49% very quickly, as you gain the wisdom of your experiences instead of wading through the lessons of cause and effect situations. Now it is important that you understand, you are being offered the gift of releasing all past life karma and any karmic debts from this lifetime as well. However, you are still responsible for the thoughts, actions and deeds that you initiate now and in the future.
My brave ones, how bright and warm is your Sacred Fire? Does it blaze brightly and warm the hearts of others? Or is it a feeble flame, not even strong enough to warm your own heart? “Cold-hearted” is not a term associated with a true bearer of God light.
Remember, you always have a choice: you may journey through the shadow lands with those who helped create them or you may walk with delight in the radiance of the Light of Spirit. We are always near to assist you; however, you must traverse the Path of Freedom under your own Will/Power and Wisdom. You are loved most profoundly. I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.
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