Heavenletter #783
The further you see, the more self-contained you are, for the further you see, the less you need. That includes less of life's travails. The further you see, the more you encompass. The more you encompass, the less troubled you are. Fewer are the troubles that come to you in your assessment of life. They are not so big as they once were and there are not so many. Sense of trouble stops dominating.
A time will come that whatever befalls in Human life, you are not distraught over it, for, from a higher place, you see a different configuration. Where you sit makes a difference in what you see. It makes all the difference.
Something that was great disturbance to you years ago does not seem so frightful or engrossing now. Certainly it is no longer as monumental as it once was when you were in the midst of it. And so, as your inner vision elongates, you are less in the midst. Life may be the same, but your vision has greater neutrality. You naturally have more aplomb. All because your vision has widened. It has gotten past you. You have escaped narrowness.
Your are on the forefront of discovery. You are about to discover the significance of life. You discover great significance when you get your sightings past insignificance. You come to find that what occurs in your life is incidental. Yes, incidences on the face of your life are not your life. Your life is far more than any blots on it.
The truth, as hard as it is to believe, is that what occurs in life has little or nothing to do with you. Of course, your premise has been that all that gets within your range of experience or awareness is your life. But that is like saying that the clothes make the man. Of course, you think that's true too, even though you know that such appraisal is often mistaken.
And so it is with life as well. Your life is not really made of hurrah's or huzzah's. The sum total of your life is not something you total up or subtract from. There is not a plus or minus column to your life. You are apart from events. They are no more than cars that pass by. Some are splendid. Some are fast. Some are slow. Some are dented. You do not take your identity from the cars that drive past you. Events are no more than something that goes past you. They do not stay forever. You even forget them by and by. How much do passing events really have to do with you?
We can look at it another way. You walk past stores. You look into a candy store. You do not become the candy. You look into a medical supply store. You do not become the medical supplies in the window. You glance at them. You pass by what comes in the range of your vision. You are not so affected by what you pass by. You do not think that everything you see is your life.
Your life is more than what happens in it. You are your life. You are the perceiver of it. You perceive lightness and you perceive heaviness. As in all things, you have choice. And you can choose not to be whipped back and forth according to whichever wind blows at a particular moment.
You are stalwart. You are not so buffeted by events in your life. Nor do you have to be. Nor need you any longer believe that you are so vulnerable. You are not a fragile being. You are a mighty one. You are far more than what befalls.
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