Heavenletter #790
When you feel that the world is not conversant with you, that it ignores you, that you have not yet reached its shores, that something blocks you from the accolades or even notice of the world, then you have to know that you have trapped yourself in your own ego.
You yearn for a breakthrough. There is no breakthrough that comes from outside. The breakthrough lies within you. Disentangle yourself from ego.
I do not mean to imply that the world's appraisal is a measure of you. It is not a thermometer of what goes on within you. I say that there is something within you that begs the world to acknowledge you, and that is what you must break through — this urgency of having the world's acknowledgement. The notice of the world is not the big thing you think it is. The notice of the world is a minor flurry. It is not something that you can depend on, even when you have it. When it comes to you even in bushels, it is not much. It is little. It never fulfills. The blessings of the world are a momentary blip on the screen of life. Like money, world acceptance goes fast. The coins of the world do not buy all you hoped.
They can only change the surface of your life, and the surface is not what you are for. The surface is not enough for you. On the surface lies not your fulfillment. All the bouquets from the world are only bouquets from the world. Soon or late, you will find them wanting. Perhaps you have to have them in order to see them as they are.
You have My blessings no matter how the world ranks you. You have not more nor less of My blessings. Do not confuse all of the world's blessings with Mine. You may think I favor you more when the world gives you what you want, but My blessings are constant. The world cannot add to them. The world cannot take them away. The world is an errant lover.
Let the world ignore you all it wants. Perhaps the real issue is that you ignore My blessings.
Is not My love for you worth all the gold in China? And yet you want to weigh My love on the scales of the world. The scales of the world are often inaccurate. They escalate you or demote. And yet, the world cannot begin to raise you to the heights that you really are and that you deserve. You are not a waiter or waitress. You are worth much more than a big tip from the world.
What is it that you think the acknowledgement of the world will do for you? What do you think it means to you or to Me? It can oil the wheels. It can open doors for you but only in the world. The doors of Heaven are already open. There are no locks. There is nothing to push through. Well, except, perhaps, the density you cling to.
Don't give so much credence to world favor. Concern yourself rather with what you do for Me. Whatever you do, do for Me. Give Me some of your attention and perhaps a little less to the cheering of the world. It is so simple. The more of your life you offer on the altar of Heaven, the less vulnerable you are to the up's and down's of the world. Train with Me, and your muscles become strong. Work for Me. That is enough. Gratify Me. Look not so much for gratification from the world.
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