Monday, November 15, 2021

The Ocean from Which All Streams Flow

Heavenletter #787

God said:

Do you not feel your life running in a bigger stream with a greater momentum? Have you not entered into the tide of life? You have, and it is taking you somewhere. It is taking you to Me, the Ocean from which all streams flow.

Wherever you live, and whatever your life, you cannot be Oceanless. The Ocean from which you came accompanies you everywhere. Seamlessly. Perfectly. Matter of factly. We exchange messages along the way. You ask. I answer. You worry. I soothe. You complain. I listen. You pray, and I hear your prayers before you utter them. I am quiet in the noise, and loud in stillness. I am an amenable God.

You are in the flow of life, and you reach Me Who is already inseparable and so intimate a dimension of your life that you have often thought you were somewhere without Me. Or you thought I was elsewhere, out of range, out of hearing, out of sight and indifferent to your squeals. Because I smile fondly upon you, do not think I am indifferent to you. You and your life matter. You matter to Me deeply. But I do not worry about you. I don't worry because I know you. I know where you are and what is happening. But you affirm other things. You imagine the state of your life to be one thing while I know it is another. Perhaps now you will start adhering to truth.

I am intimate to your pursuit of life, but I am not wrapped up in it — rather, I am not wrapped up in what you tend to see as your life, for I do not watch soap operas. But I am always with you watching over you. I just am not into the drama. Must you be?

We, you and I, are locked in an embrace so strong that nothing can ever interfere. Only you may focus so much on other matters that you forget Our engagement. But only for a while, for I am unforgettable. Just as with details in life, you forget, and then you remember, and you say to yourself: "How could I forget that?"

Do not tie a string to your finger or set an alarm. Instead, remind yourself of Me with an act of kindness or act of acceptance. Be the giver, and you will begin to assume your rightful status and you will see how close I am. When you stop thinking so much about yourself, I will be in sight. When you think bigger, then you will see better. You see what has always been all along. You digressed. You diverted from your truth. Now you come back.

With every act of kindness, you are divesting yourself of thinking too much about yourself. Thinking too much about yourself is separateness. Separateness is selfishness, and with every selfish thought, you separate yourself further. You cannot just shovel self-centeredness away. You have to replace it. Replace it with other thoughts, like: "What can I do for God?" That will inevitably lead you to doing something that takes you out of yourself. When you expand your world for Me, you expand your goodness to mankind.

Your life is made up of little things, not the big things as you have thought. You may well have mixed up what is little and what is big. Much of what you have thought of as big was only little. Many of the opportunities you saw as little and insignificant were big.

Only love is big. Nothing else is. All else is insignificant. Choose what fills your heart, and you will be fulfilling Mine.

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