When you plummet the depths of your heart, there is gold. It is there for you to find. It has been kept like contraband. You may have forgotten the contents of your heart, piled up as it has been. You have put other emotions on top of your love, as subterfuge, and you have even come to believe your own cover-up, as if there were nothing more than what shows at the top. Now ruffle through the random emotions, toss out the unseemly, note the gold, and pluck it up as you would a large gold nugget and hold it out for everyone to see, know, and enjoy. Take your heart out of hiding.
Isn't it strange to compare love in man's heart to metal? As if yellow gold is high, and from the comparison your eyes can light up, and you can begin to perceive the love in your heart as worth something. Would that man already knew the worth of love and so compare metal to it and accept that the metal gives only an insignificant glimmer next to the light love gives. If man would seek the gold in his heart and mine it — if first things came first — what are the possibilities of life on earth?
It would seem that the material world has put more value on gold dug from the ground than love emanating from the Human heart.
Of course, man has liked to think that gold lasts and love does not.
Believe Me when I say your heart is full of love. Do you think that the lesser emotions are more real? They burst forth from you so easily because you let them. You are not afraid to spout anger or dismay. At least, you don't keep those emotions hidden from yourself.
But when it comes to the love in your heart, you bury it time and time again. How can it grow when you push it back? The love in your heart needs to be out in the sunshine free of bonds.
The love in your heart is incalculable. There is no bottom to your heart because the love there is endless. I should know. It is Mine there in your heart. I filled your heart up with My love, and My love is eternal, never-ending, never runs low, but it does need to be revealed so that you may see it. Your heart loves to overflow. If you were honest, there is no corner where your love would not like to shine. That is the truth of your heart. Your mind has convinced it otherwise. The love in your heart has been squeezed shut or squeezed open, but the heart is not for squeezing. The gates of your heart have been half-open, but your heart doesn't need gates at all. No gates for the Human heart. Only openness. Let the love in your heart stream and splash where it will.
The fountain of your heart is not meant to be limited or withdrawn. It is excused from nowhere. Your heart is not negotiable. It has already been decided. Your heart is earmarked for everywhere.
You think your heart is not capable. You think your heart must flinch at lepers or any beings that you consider less than yourself. Therein lies the fallacy, that anyone is less than yourself, and that you are less or more than anyone else. Possessions of the world or attributes of your mind or attractiveness of your body have nothing to do with the origin of your heart and where it flows. Nothing is an impediment to your heart. Only you have believed in impediments. Better to believe in love. Start spilling the love out, and you will begin to know the unending flow of it and its connection to Me.
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