Monday, August 9, 2021



Heavenletter #688 

You encapsulate all of eternity. You are the Tree of Life. All is contained within you. You are God-balanced, God-carved, God-capable, God-directed, God-inside and God-outside. You are a manifestation of God. I made you My manifestation. You are not far away from Me. You are not away from Me at all. Only your thinking has decided that We, you and I, are apart.

As much as you may seek Me, it is yourself you seek. You seek no other. There is no other. You are a hand-held loop of My love. Twists and knots are only illusions, easily pulled apart. No matter what the twists and turns, you are love unfolding. You are the embodiment of My love.

Oh, what if you believed that? What if you really believed that you are My love to be expressed for the happiness of the accepted world? What if extending love is your purpose on earth, and the earth depends upon your love. Love is ever the same, but yours is like no other, for you are the only one who can give it, your love, that exquisite extraction of My own.

You may see yourself as a mere daisy in a field of daisies and wonder what is the difference to the field or to anyone or anything whether you grow there or not, but I planted you there not just as another daisy but as you, the one you are of Me.

Beloved of My heart, you are of great importance to the universe. You are integral to it. You may scoff at the idea that you are a linchpin, but you absolutely are. No matter how bedraggled you may feel, you are essential to this universe of One. Oneness is not made of parts, though it seems so to you. You are not a crack in My creation or unnecessary to the whole. You cannot break the set.

I tell you that you are My beloved, and you must honor Me and acknowledge yourself as My beloved. If you knew someone else were truly My beloved, you would treat them very well, would you not? Now, I tell you that you are My beloved, and so you will now treat yourself with the honor I do. Once you can acknowledge that you are My beloved, then you will feel the same reverence for all the other manifestations of you and of Me, and treat them with exquisite gentleness and love as well. That you were made for.

You would not separate Me from My love, and you are My love. The whole Human race is one child to Me, so, in this illusion of the One being many, you must be very good to yourself and to all those others who live in the same illusion. No one is a mere fragment of My love. All are the whole of it. You personally are all of My love, only there is no personally, but We will say personally because I am by no means impersonal. I am deep in your heart, and you cannot dissuade Me of that. You cannot make yourself an exception to My love. My love in you is fail-safe. There is no alternative. There is no way out for you.

Today know that you are an expresser of My love. Yes, you are an expression of it but you are also the expresser of it. There is nothing else for you to do but express My love.

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