Wednesday, August 18, 2021

You Are the Light of the World

Heavenletter #697 

God said:

Think of what it means to be part of the Universe. Those are not just words being said. And they are not said just to make you feel included or important. What you think about it is not at the heart of your importance. What you give out is the importance. Either you keep the world the same, or you reshape it. I created the Universe, and now you hold it in your hands. You can do anything you want with the world.

I authorize you to bring it to a new level. To make the world anew. The world can be what you want it to be.

You want the world to be loving and kind. Then you must be loving and kind. That is the only way you can effect material change in the world. That is your contribution. That is how you raise the world to itself.

You hold the dawning light that the world so craves. And so you shine light, and you shine it everywhere. Shine it only in some places, and the world is lopsided. That is already what has happened. And now your light will bless all in the universe, not selected sites.

When you sew a dress, you pay attention to all the seams. You don't just strengthen one place and not another. Every seam matters. Every stitch matters. Every stitch contributes to the dress as a whole.

From right where you are, you are the director of the world. If you are an employer, you direct it. If you are the employee, you direct it. If you are the mother or the father, you direct it. If you are the child, you direct it. If you are the nurse or the doctor, you direct it. If you are the patient, you direct it. If you are the warden of a prison, you direct it. If you are the prisoner, you direct it. You have a say in the universe. However loudly or quietly you speak, your voice is heard.

Whatever actions you take, they are heralded around the world.

You may say, "But, God, I am only one person. How much good can I do?"

I say to you, "All the good in the world."

You say to Me, "But, God, doing good is like swimming upstream."

I say to you: "I am not telling you to go out and change the world. I am telling you that by your thoughts and deeds, you are conducting it. It is not for you to change the tide of the times. Nor is it for you to swim along with it. It is not for you to censure the world. It is not for you to pat it on the head. Your value is in raising it, and you raise it with light. The state of affairs of the world may well not please you, but put your attention higher. Whatever is going on around you, find the good and you will so multiply it. Be the light I gave you to be and shine it. You are telling the world something now with every breath you take. You are inevitably dictating to it. Do not be in default. Raise your thoughts, lift your heart, and so you lift the world. Receive My light, and shine it. This is not something new I tell you.

"You can keep the world where it is, or you can lift it. Be conscious of your shining light today.

"There are no hidden corners. There are no secrets. There is no getting away with anything. All is known, and all is echoed. Now address the world as you would address Me. Now echo My light so that earth rises to Heaven today."

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