Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Truth Alone

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God said:

Forget hindsight. That is merely looking over your shoulder.

Do not rely overmuch on foresight either.

In both cases, your mind takes hold. It either whips you or offers you great promise which may or may not prove true. Your mind does not choose to mislead you. It just doesn't know enough to always advise you properly. And even if the mind does live up to its promise, even so, the advice may not have been solid.

And so look into your heart. Your heart goes deep. The heart we speak of is more than a mood or a wish. The heart is a long-distance runner. It is not that you ask your heart, What do I really want to do this moment? It is not really that you ask your heart specifically anything because your heart cannot answer in words. In listening to your heart, you find you are impelled in certain directions, and you find that there are certain directions you cannot go in. These are not decisions of the mind. You find you can, or you find you cannot. We can call this being in your truth.

Your truth is never hesitant. Only your mind is.

When in your truth, you cannot rob or malign or injure or tell a lie or take advantage of another, even if you feel desire to do so. Whatever your emotions may be, the heart of truth goes deeper than emotion.

You have spent plenty of time not being in your truth.

Your heart is a knower. Your heart knows more than the mind purports to know.

What is considered wise is often not wise. What is seen as clever is often too clever for its own good.

Only the heart knows truth.

You may consider that you have done regrettable things without thinking. Perhaps an unkindness. You wish you had thought. But there was some past conditioning going on. That you were blinded doesn't necessarily mean that you need to think more. Thinking more does not undo blindness.

You can't be certain whether an action of yours or another was right or not. It may have been right at the time. Or wrong then and wrong now. And yet, what seems to you is not necessarily what is.

So what is this truth I speak of?

It is My truth, and My truth nestles within your heart.

Truth is not dependent upon results. It is not truth or consequences. It can be truth and consequences. Truth does not necessarily bring you all the results you want anymore than non-truth has.

Truth does not look for a reward.

Like love, it does not depend upon outside conditions for its merit.

You cannot list facts in two columns in order to find truth. One column could have ten facts, and the other only one, and the lean column may be the one that has truth.

Reasons why to do or not to do are not the code of life. Truth is.

Statistics are not your God. Odds are not. Sure things are not. Unsure things are not.

If your motivation has been: "What can I glean the most from, what brings me the greatest results, the greatest profits, what honors me the most, what does me the most credit, what gives me the most pleasure" — you may not have been honoring your truth. Neither may the opposites of these be your truth.

Only your truth is truth. Truth seeks itself for its own merit, not for what it brings. The only guarantee with Truth is that it will bring itself.

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