Saturday, August 7, 2021

Many will See the Shattering of this Illusion | Saint Germain via James McConnell

(Golden Age of Gaia)

by James McConnell

I am your Saint Germain. I come at this time with a message.

Yes, we come with messages each and every week for all of you. But there are times when we come with messages that you may not have heard of before. Or if you have heard them, they did not resonate with you. This message is for all of you that are on this call, as well as all of you that will resonate with these words after.

The message is to be at peace. To be at oneness within yourself. To feel the love that all of us, all of those that are mentoring to you, are sending you now, in this moment, right this moment, sending you love, sending you peace, sending you tranquility.

For in these raucous times when everything seems to be going to hell, those of you look out and realize that it is yet but only the illusion. The illusion of darkness. The illusion of turmoil. The illusion of disruption.

As you already know, those of the dark forces are masters at misdirection. But we, those of us, the Ascended Ones, the Galactic Forces, we are also able to use that as well. And we do that at times.

So what seems to be everything going into turmoil, and those of the dark forces believing that they are winning the battle, we of the Forces of Light are turning that around and misdirecting them. And in many cases, misdirecting all of you at times.

For you are not seeing fully what is happening in the background, what is happening behind the scenes. Yes, some of you are seeing this at times. But the full ramifications of God’s plan is not being shown forth yet at this point. But it is coming.

As you have heard of announcements. They are beginning to percolate now. Beginning to come to the surface more and more. And very shortly there will be several announcements that will come to the surface and will be undeniable by many.

Even yet many of those that are asleep now will awaken from these various announcements. Because they will not be able to turn a deaf ear away from this for much longer. It will be too overwhelming for them. Just as at times it has been overwhelming for you in your awakening process.

But you have become acclimated to these energies, have become acclimated to these truths coming forward. That is why you are here.

Yes, it is true that the timelines will be separating. And when they do, there will be nothing that you can do to stop it.

That may seem like doom and gloom for some of you, but it is reality, that you will not be able to stop those that are not ready to turn to the Light, or even turn away from the illusion. They can be in the Light and still be within the illusion. They will just find their way into another reality that is being prepared for them for their purposes, for their individual purposes.

It is not for you to convince anyone.

But it is for you to assist when that need arises. And arise, it shall.

Those times now are becoming very short. And very soon, along with the announcements, will come a shattering of the illusion to many.

And I use the term purposefully: ‘shattering.’ Because many’s comfort zone will be shattered to the far winds. They will not understand as you understand. But they will be ready to find the guidance that can come from you.

That is what you are here for. That is your mission. To become the Ascended Ones, just as we have. To become the Guides, the Spirit Guides, or even the physical guides. It will continue to bring them forward and prepare them for the later stages of the ascension, or the later waves.

You all have much guidance from those of us, from the Galactics, from the Agarthans. All are here for you. All you need to do is ask. “Ask, and ye shall receive.” But you must ask. When help is most needed, it will be there for you.

I am Saint Germain. And I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness.

And that the Violet Flame continue to purge out all of that old programming, and continues to further and further break down that illusion.

That illusionary veil that is only yet at this point just an illusion, it is not real.

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