Friday, August 6, 2021

Inner Peace Agreement by Master Djwhal Khul - August 5, 2021

Inner Peace Agreement by Master Djwhal Khul

 Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings, greetings, beloved beings of light, I am Master Djwhal Khul. It is an honour to be in your presence and to bring forth a very sweet and very delicious energy, an energy that flows from my being. I know you have the capability to allow it to flow from your being as well. This sweet and delicious energy that I speak of is the vibration, the frequency and the knowingness of inner peace.

Inner peace is a vibration that emanates from the soul and the soul group, it is a very high vibrational frequency. When you experience inner peace upon the Earth, you feel relaxed, you feel content. There is an inner knowingness, even a confidence, and most of all you feel a connection with the Creator and in truth, with all beings. This connection allows you to explore all that is the Creator not only outside of yourself but inside of yourself. Inner peace allows for your divinity, your truth, the Creator aspect within you to emerge. To gently, but powerfully impact your being, your actions, your thoughts, your feelings, every aspect of your reality.

Have you ever been frustrated with yourself because of a habit that you continue to partake in, even though you do not wish to? Have you ever been aware of a thought that keeps repeating against your will in your mind? Have you been aware of a feeling that causes such fear or pain like a wound within your being, or maybe there is something in your reality that is simply not serving you? Even though you have tried numerous ways to release these energies, these habits, these repetitive vibrations they are still present. Maybe it feels that there is an aspect of yourself that is battling against these habits, thoughts, feelings, or experiences and whatever you do, nothing seems to change. If there is this kind of circumstance in your reality or within your being, I welcome and invite you to consider inner peace.

When you access inner peace within your being it filters into everything and rather than trying to release certain energies, change certain habits or let go of the certain thoughts. When you become centred in inner peace it is almost like inner peace takes over doing everything for you. It cleans up, lets go of the habits, of wounds, of thoughts, repetitive thoughts, and experiences. It allows a healing to take place bringing forth the divinity of your truth. You become balanced, centred, grounded, connected thus habits, repetitive thoughts, and negatively impacting experiences cannot exist in the space of inner peace because the inner peace is so strong and powerful. Rather than trying to solve problems within your being, in your reality, instead take your focus to cultivating inner peace within your being, radiating it out into all areas of your reality. In doing so you will notice that everything takes care of itself.

On the inner planes before your birth, you partook in something called the Inner Peace Agreement., Every soul partakes in the Inner Peace Agreement before their birth, it is an agreement with the Creator to cultivate inner peace while you are in existence upon the Earth. This agreement takes place with the knowledge of the power of inner peace, and the impact that inner peace can create and make upon your reality and the entire world. The Inner Peace Agreement means that you will cultivate inner peace for yourself and for others. It is an agreement because it means that if ever you have a problem, inner peace is your solution. If you simply recognise that inner peace is your solution bringing your focus back to the inner peace within your being the Universe of the Creator, your guides and everyone who has joined the Inner Peace Agreement, sends you inner peace. Therefore, you receive a wave of inner peace that supports you. This allows you to really feel at one with the Creator, with your entire being, with the Universe of the Creator, it really allows you to create a foundation and to be supported. Therefore, you have the support of every being, and you are supporting every being in their inner peace.

When you realise that inner peace is needed, bring your focus to inner peace within your being, acknowledge the Inner Peace Agreement. There is an abundance of inner peace flowing to you which you can receive, embody, access, and awaken within your being.

There is one more thing I wish to speak with you about. When you realise the realities of other people, maybe a friend or a loved one, or a stranger, recognising that they are having a hard time, or that they have a problem. I wish to encourage you to recognise that there is a need for them to access and focus upon their inner peace. In fact, recognise that the inner peace will create the healing that is needed because when you access inner peace, you allow for the flow of the Creator, and Divine Enlightenment to come forth. Therefore, you become inspired, confusion dissolves, you are more able to follow your intuition. Rather than judging another person or even trying to work out how you can help them, I would first invite you to enter into a space of inner peace and to radiate this inner peace to them. If you can ask them to focus upon their inner peace as much as possible breathing it in and out through their being. If this is not possible and they are not open to it or maybe they are across the world or a stranger, then you can ask their soul, their guides, their soul group to support them in acknowledging the inner peace within their being in order to resolve the issue. This will be sufficient.

We begin to recognise the power of the Inner Peace Agreement because every soul has agreed to acknowledging inner peace and radiating inner peace. It means that they cannot help but focus upon it, especially if guided, and that also it has a powerful impact upon their being and the same for you as well.

I invite you to focus upon inner peace within your being, I invite you to do so for others, and I invite you to reconnect with the Inner Peace Agreement that you made on the inner planes before your birth.

I will return to you next week and I will speak more about inner peace.

I thank you.

I am Master Djwhal Khul

More Master Djwhal Khul

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