Monday, August 2, 2021

God Prays

Heavenletter #681 

God said:

Consider Me a blanket tucked in around you. Consider Me the pillow you rest on, the bed that holds you. Consider Me the One Who kisses your forehead, Who rocks you, Who sings to you, Who stays with you as you sleep, Who is there when you wake. Consider that I permeate your very being. Consider that I am your very being. Consider that I envelop you in My arms of love. Consider that you consume Me. Go ahead, consume Me. I want you to have such utter awareness of Me that you feel yourself consuming Me. That is one way for Us to merge into awareness of Our Oneness.

Feel yourself overtaking Me. Feel Me overtaking you. Feel Me consuming you. Feel Me stealing off with you. Or feel yourself capturing Me. It is all the same.

I am in the palm of your hand.

And you breathe Me in and out, and you inhale Me, and I blow My breath on you as one would a dandelion puff, and each particle of you falls to Me and is swept into My heart. All comes through Me. All is given to Me, and all is given by Me. I am the Succor of the Universe. I am the Energy of it, and you are My energy flung to the world for its sustenance. You are the seeds of love I sprinkle. You are the pod of My love, for I am mightily contained within you.

Consider the world a sieve that refines you. Sometimes you feel it rough on you. What is not the truth of you falls off. You have lost nothing. You regain knowledge of the tenderness of Me. You are tenderized into My love. Through anything, you fall into My love. Again and again.

You have thought that My mightiness is fearful and to make you tremble. My mightiness is the gentleness of love. That is My power and My glory, and they are Mine. Love is the foremost power. It is the only power. Love is wherein strength lies.

Force is not power. Force is pretense of power. It has to work hard. What takes effort is not strength. Force is something that strives to battle weakness. What can force possibly win but more consolidation of power over weakness. It is moot.

But love is all-pervasive. Its gentleness flows and enters every crevice. Love declares no victory. It proclaims itself. It overtakes everything. It overcomes everything. It enters everything. But it takes nothing away. It wins no victory. It wins itself.

A sense of My love and a sense of Me are the same. Sense love or sense Me. A sense of My love is not a sense of the particular. It is a sense of the essence of love which is more powerful than all the delineations of love. Perhaps consider Me Loveness. My quality of love entered you long ago, and it is the seat of every cell in your body, and that is only some of it.

Consider that you are made exclusively of My love. You are nothing but My love. I made you of My love. I made you from My love. I packaged My love in you. You are the deliverer of it. I cast My love, and you are what I cast. I gave you to the world. What a dispensation! What an offering! What a miracle I gave to the world when I gave you!

Think a little less of praying to Me and more of acquainting yourself with Me. Consider that you are My most welcome guest invited into My Home at any time. All the time. I offer you all the amenities. There is nothing you have to ask for. I omit nothing. Engage in acceptance of My love. Sit down with Me, knee to knee. Let Me pray that you feel My love and accept it.

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