Sunday, August 29, 2021

Archangel Michael on Punishment and Retribution | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, August 28, 2021

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Several readers have asked me what Michael has to say on the matters we recently discussed.

Here are two messages in which he addresses the punishment and retribution model.

Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 28, 2019.

Archangel Michael: Dearest heart, this [news coverage] is all illusion.

Steve: It’s all illusion.

AAM: Correct.

Steve: Huh! What’s true?

AAM: What’s true is very little on this front. Now there will be indictments and there will be justice, fairness, but the key to creating Nova Earth is not about punishment and retribution.

Steve: Right. But it is about protection, is it not? The public need to be protected against mass murderers and Dick Cheney and the people at the CIA are mass murderers. They kill kids in schools. They kill in open business areas. They explode bombs. They down airliners. We need to be protected from them, don’t we?

AAM: Be very discerning in your judgments and in your condemnations of others. If you continue – and I don’t mean you; I mean the collective – if the pattern of imprisonment continues, of shackling, rather than re-education or redirection, then that is the paradigm that will continue upon this planet.

Steve: I agree. But they need to be stopped, don’t they? They cannot continue killing people.

So many witnesses who have come forth about the Clinton Foundation have been murdered. Why are we not putting a stop to that?

AAM: What makes you think we are not?

Steve: Because they keep getting murdered. The reporter murdered last week. The Haitian fellow about to testify against the Clinton Foundation in Florida was murdered. There was another one. I feel helpless to stop the murder of children by pedophiles.

AAM: But many have made soul agreements for this to occur to bring this to the forefront.

Steve: And to get this to stop.

AAM: And to get this to stop and that is well underway, Sweet One.

Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon,, June 17, 2020.

Archangel Michael: Keep bringing it back to your heart, Sweet One. …

Report on the truth of your heart. When it feels like high drama, then it is. So simply back away, Sweet One.

Steve: Okay. Well, this is really a very challenging assignment, Lord, to be reporting on things at this particular time…. Very challenging.

AAM: It is very challenging but remember our undertaking is the tracking of spiritual evolution to a higher realm of consciousness’s and that is the focus that we must always return to.

So if it feels that it is questionable in any of the arenas, simply stand back and know that I am with you. I am not with you here and there.

I am with you, beloved brother, so do not venture where there is no love. Because if there is no love, then there is no truth. And if there is no truth, there will not be peace and that, Sweet One, is the plan.

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