Thursday, December 24, 2020

Ten Stones

Heavenletter #463 

God said:

There is a reason why you like shiny things. They remind you of the glow of Heaven. You may seek the sparkling items on Earth, the diamonds and the rubies and burnished gold, but what you are truly seeking is Heaven. That is the story of your life. That is your journey. That is the purpose of everything on earth — to find where your soul began. And you can find it in the transient place you find yourself in right now.

There is a glow I bequeathed you. You do not always see the glitter that you are made of and which surrounds you. That is why you seek it. You cannot believe that it is right under your nose. You have tried to substitute ego for true value. You have succeeded with purveying ego, but ego does not succeed. You who are so vital to Me do not need ego to expound you. You need to abolish ego so that you can see your own true light and stand in it.

Ego is the veil that keeps you from seeing the beauty and magnificence you are. Unmasked, you are beautiful light. Masked, your light is crimped, and you hardly see it.

Why do you think I repeat Myself? It is not to hear Myself talk. When you have utterly embraced My thinking, I will tell you new things that you long to know. But first, We need to lay a few stepping-stones:

You are on Earth for a reason. You are meant to be here. It is no accident that you are you and that you are in this particular spot at this particular moment.

And yet you do not have to remain in this spot. Accept your right to expand your life on Earth. You were not meant to be in servitude, and you have been in servitude to outdated thoughts.

Abandon them, your stationary thoughts. They are the recorded history of your life on Earth. They are twisted threads. Stop looking back. Abandon the past. Accept that it served you well, but now you do not need it. You do not need to be reminded of its dross nor of its gold, for far greater gold awaits you.

Abandoning the past means to abandon fear. Fear clings to you for its own sake, not for yours. It is a mistaken thought to believe that you need fear. Fear is not a harbor. It does not protect you. Know you are already secure.

In order to drop off past thinking, you have to admit to yourself that you do not know everything. You already know you know little, but in many areas you refuse to admit it. Thinking you know more than you do is a cry of your ego.

Accept that you are innocent. What does it mean to be innocent? It means openness. Innocence is not premeditated. And do not equate it with ignorance. Innocence allows the new to dawn. Innocence allows you into the present.

Lean into the present. The future is not your destination. When you have stepped out of the past, you have already stepped into the present which you had thought of as future. Your future is right now.

Know there is no hurry, for time does not exist. Time is a concept that serves only to box your life. Be caught in timelessness rather than time. Enter the concept of Infinity which makes all life all-present right now.

Know there is life. Life is life. It is an upward-moving spiral. It is not tests and lessons and corrections. The idea of correction keeps you ever expending your life in the past. Your life has only to grow to the truth of you. You do that by letting the past fall off.

Let your life grow in your acceptance of the Truth of you. Accept that you are far more than your present thinking will allow. Your thinking has to catch up to the Reality of you.

Now, today, with My blessings, let your thinking grow to new heights so you can begin to imagine what you were born for and what a gift to the universe you are. You will begin to conceive of what God hath wrought. I made you well. Know that so you can scale the heights of Heaven and hold it in your awareness.

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