Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Restoration of the Divine Blueprint | Mother God via Linda Li - December 22, 2020

Restoration of the Divine Blueprint

December 22, 2020

Linda Li

Dear beautiful children on earth, I am your Mother God, the Mother of all creation. I come today to let you know that I am with you, I love you and the planet earth loves you dear ones.

The energies are extremely powerful at the moment. What the energies are doing now is to bring the Divine blueprint back to the planet earth and to all souls on the planet. As you know, once you have the original Divine blueprint installed, your soul will be restored to the original design, and your physical body will finally recover to its pristine condition - an immaculate conception some may say. 

The Divine blueprint is in the soul essence, in its original format. Every soul on the planet has his/her unique Divine blueprint. When a soul was created, the Divine blueprint comes with the signature of the soul and always travels with the soul no matter where the soul goes. 

By the same token, when the soul incarnates on the planet earth, along with the soul design and soul Divine blueprint, the soul starts a physical journey. And the journey can take turns and twists. At the end of the journey, the soul may come home with all sorts of wisdom gained through the journey. And some times, some souls also come home with a huge amount of wounds and hurts and that require healing. What the Divine will do is to use that soul's Divine blueprint to restore that soul to his or her original soul signature and soul essence. The entire process may take some serious time. However long it may be, the Divine always makes sure  souls are restored and all wounds and hurts are healed according to the soul's original design.

So, in times like now, many souls on the planet need healing and the restoration of the Divine blueprint. The Divine has been busy doing the healing for the light workers and restoring their Divine blueprint while the souls are in human form. 

If for some reason, my dear angels on earth, you, all of a sudden feel bodily and emotional pains without apparent reasons, the chances are, you are being restored to your original Divine blueprint by the Divine and your higher self.

Take the chance and take breaks dear heart. Let the process happen and let the original Divine blueprint come back online. Know you are being restored just like Mother Earth. Your Divine blue print is the original design. Once you are restored to the Divine blueprint, the eternal health and eternal happiness will be your normal existence. And the Divine blueprint has the Divine qualities which will be your tools for the New Age as a light worker.

I love you dear children of my heart. Let the process be and let the Divine blueprint be restored in the process. Know that now is the time and it is a precious life giving gift. I am your Mother Divine. Go in peace dear angels. So it is.

Source: FB Linda Li

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