Friday, December 4, 2020

Mother God via Linda Li | The Divine Team members are being called - December 3, 2020


The  Divine Team members are being called 
December 3, 2020

Linda Li

Dear children of my heart, I am your Divine Mother God. I come today to share news. The Divine has been working to get the next phase started. One element of that is the start of the Divine government and the Divine team members. So far, the Divine has collected some of the Divine Team members and that is a very nice feeling to have. Knowing that some of the Divine team members are ready gives the Divine confidence and that tells the Divine that most of the Divine Team members are getting there, and now it is just a matter of getting them the Divine notices and getting them to their destiny. 

The Divine has started yet another round of calling and trying to collect the Divine team members. There are some members who have encountered the Divine calls, But for whatever  reason, they did not respond. 

There are also some Divine team members who have been under strenuous training and now that training period is over. These light workers are ready for the Divine mission.

There are a handful of the Divine team members who live in different continents and countries. Their journey has to start with moving. Some of these light workers will need to be relocated and some will move across the planet. These souls have the Divine guidance and Divine blessings so that eventually, they will make it to their posts.

Now, the current situation on the planet is very intense. Souls who have been called will have to start the process soon. The Divine understands that the process takes time, and relocating needs resources. That is something that the Divine takes consideration and we, the Divine will guide these souls in this journey. Trust everything that  the Divine has planned out and everything will work out according to the Divine plan.

There are a few of the critical light workers that the Divine needs now. They personally may not realize how important their Divine mission is. Therefore, they have no clue about how and why the Divine keeps calling them. These light workers are the Divine team members. They are Your Father’s inner circle members. Their mission has significant importance on the Divine plan and your Father God’s plan. Because of their significant important personal plan is intertwined with your Father’s mission, these souls will have to be ready and have to be relocated. Currently, there are a few of these souls who are still in denial and that has to change.

In the next few weeks, the Divine will continue to wake up the Divine team members and Your Father’s inner circle. These souls have the Divine plan and they have to come to the forefront. They are needed and they need to know that. Let the ones who need to hear, hear, and let the ones who have the eyes, see. I love you dear angels. I am your Divine Mother God. Go in peace now. So it is.

Source: FB Linda Li

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