Sunday, March 1, 2020

Beloved God

Heavenletter #173 

God said:
Think of Me not so much as your Lord and Master. Think of Me more as your Love, for that is how I think of you. I do not think of you as My servant. I am your Server Who serves you, and I serve you with love. Love is the only service to give, and the only one worth receiving. So think of Me less as a Ruler and more as a Friend.
I am the Best Friend you will ever have. Nothing ever makes Me leave your side. When I go to work, it is with you. When I rest, it is with you. I am never distracted from you. I never misplace you or forget about you. I never go off. Not even for one moment.
Can this be true? That I love you so much?
It is true. I love you so much.
As for your foibles, I don't even see them, for I swim in your light. Or, if I do see your foibles, I see them in the distance as a moment already passed, for I see Truth. Wherever I look, I see Truth.
Do I see your pain? I see that you see it, and I remove it from your vision, though sometimes you continue to see it, for Human habits die hard.
As for Me, it would be hard for Me to see less than love because I am so ablaze with it. And what else would I want to look at? Something less than love?
All that I created is formed of My love, so it is My love I look upon. I love the mountains and the seas, and the gardens and the deserts, and I love the best of My children and the least. But of course there is no best or least—those are your terms, not Mine. There is no one I love more or less, for My love is the Great Denominator.
What a concept that is, that I love equally. That means worth is your worldly concern. It is not Mine. I see your worth only. I cannot see less because less is not Truth. That some of My children wander more than others, of that I am aware, but I know their wandering for what it is. It is seeking really.
Should I love those who are seeking far afield less than those who are seeking closer to Home? I would not know how to do that. First of all, I do not waste My time sorting out My children. Eyes that look with love look with love. Love comes from Me, and that can only be full love. My eyes do not pass over one of you, not even one. I miss nothing. I do not know how to speculate. I only know what I see.
And I see you, My children, right before Me, eager to hear My truth, knowing that My truth has no peer. Truth is Mine, and that is all there is for Me to see. I see with My eyes, not yours. Isn't that fortunate.
My eyes see well, and I know what I see, and I see you, standing mighty in My light.
If My eyes fall on you, if My eyes alight on you, what can you be but My light? And there is no if about it. My eyes fall on you. My eyes alight on you, and You are My light that I look upon and that I see. When you see aught else, you are not looking at Me. Meet My eyes. Meet them now. You will like what you see.

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