Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Sometimes the lesson of defeat

is more important than the win.

Remember, you are moving into a state of

true realization and remembrance

and all systems are a go for your advancement.

You are being ricocheted upward you may say.

So it is important to allow the river to flow where it will.

In other words, it is not all going to be smooth sailing

along the way.

You are going to have the bumps.

Expect them.

But as you continue to rise to higher truth, higher awareness

you will be delighted with your course correction.

Steady as you go you might say.

You are dreaming in true remembrance.

Therefore remember,

it is not so much what occurs on the outside,

which represent past energies, or imprints.

It is what you are mastering within.

You are learning how to signal your readiness

and earn your keep in the higher altitudes

of love.

And so it is.


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