Sunday, July 16, 2017

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Never in your life are you without purpose. While there is great value in "seeking your purpose" know that your real purpose here on earth is to see love, be love, and express the love that sources you in each breath. It really is that simple. In the moments you are doing this, you will feel that your life is joyful, meaningful, purposeful, and expansive. 

While having a role you love, performing actions that feel 'significant,' or leaving a legacy may be expressions of your deeper purpose (to see love, be love, express love), they are not required to live a life that feels meaninful and rich with purpose. 

You can humbly garden all day, and still find a purpose in being at peace. You can watch the clouds and feel that your purpose is to embrace stillness. You can help one person by opening a door and know that your life had meaning this day. You can take one small self criticism and turn it to love, and know that there is great purpose in that act for your soul.

Try not invalidate yourself simply because you have not found an "activity" that makes you feel purposeful. Breathe... you have a purpose in that, for now you are part of the ecosystem on planet earth, feeding the trees and receiving the oxygen they provide. Breathe again... you have just shared your energy with all of creation and you are taking in the energies of all creation. There is purpose.

Look around you. Find one thing that looks like love to you – a color, an object, a person. Shut your eyes now. Feel your heart. Think of one thing to love about yourself. Now perform your next action with great love. See how simple this is? You have just seen love, been love, and expressed love. You are living on purpose.

Dear ones, in our eyes you are all equal. From the vastness of the mountains, to the lowest single-celled form of life you are all made of the very same love. Each one of you fits perfectly in the intricate web of existence, and none of you are ever without purpose. 

God Bless You! We love you so very much. 

-- The Angels

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