Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

RECEIVE the gifts that are due you.

We ask that you take this message in

slowly now.

Allow the heart to soften,

and receive this transmission of Truth.

RECEIVE the gifts that are due you,

that are a natural extension of you.

Some of you are still invested in smallness.

And a bit of the "woe is me" approach.

What if we told you that you are ALREADY gifted.

That you never truly can be separated from that which


It is for you to RECEIVE this NOW.

We are amplifying the energies,

and shining a light on this truth.

But you must be willing to RECEIVE it.

RECEIVE the gifts that are due you.

Continue to BREATHE and receive this transmission.

Allow the shift in consciousness to occur.

And so it is.

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