Sunday, April 19, 2015

The New Scriptures


Hello Little Mother,

It is wonderful to be able to connect with you once again! You need to sit down and speak to your guides more often! We are here to help and guide you in all ways; sometimes we all forget to allow the small inner voice to speak and give love and direction.

And so the lesson of the day is, Dear One, to reach out, to trust, and to love yourself enough to receive the love and light that is so freely given in the name of All That Is!

As a healer, it is your joy to be able to help each and every individual that comes your way!  It is the Gift of Giving that is the most treasured payment you receive. Then why, Little Mother, would you, or any other person, withhold from others the ability to help, when there is indeed a need?

The people on our beloved Gaia have been taught from birth that "To give is divine,” but, "To receive is self-seeking," -  with the reminder that "surely we are not good enough” to ask. This is one of the greatest lies you have been taught!

Every person alive has been “good enough,” in each and every one of their lives, to give and to receive.  Creator does not want his children to suffer in silence; to feel alone, afraid of the unknown, and afraid to reach out for help! We are all born of love and light, and when we stand together, the love and abundance grows to such a proportion that each individual stands in awe of the very magnitude of feelings that are all but overwhelming, because... that feeling is what reminds us of “home” -- the very place it all began, and the place we all long to be once again.

I know that you remember “Home;” -  I hear you speak of it often, with much love and longing in your voice. I understand that it is a fight for you to retain your innocence and belief in all of mankind, when you are told, time and again, that you trust too easily, and then when the trust is used against you, still you offer the trust again, and again…

As your world is, right now, it is sometimes hard not to become jaded or to lose your trust; and yet it is each individual's belief that all is as it should be, and your TRUST in Creator and all of us, your guides and Masters that will carry you through! And now Dear Mother, I ask you to love yourself enough, to remember that you are and always have been “good enough” and KNOWING the truth of it, to practice what you preach – ask for the help that you (and all of mankind) deserve.

Allow yourself to be nurtured, as you nurture all that cross your path! Let the tears stream down your precious cheeks as you surrender to my request, and know that you are so very loved!

I am Sananda

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