Sunday, April 12, 2015



9th APRIL 2015

Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood
Transcribed by Holly Hawkins Marwood

“Greetings Dear Ones.

We are the High Council of Orion.

Are you still looking for a Savior? Are you still looking for an external source to come in and give you information, wave a magic wand, swoop in and make wholesale changes so that your investment and your work, in terms of your own personal ascension, is done for you? We are here to say that this is not how this process is going to go. Ascension happens as an individual process for each and every one of you, through your own efforts to find the Light and the Truth within and allow it to be shining more brightly in your life and shifting your understanding of yourself in relationship to the world.

Many of you have replaced looking for the answers from within the dimension you are, say within your leaders, whether they are religious or governmental, and you have said “no” to that and you’ve looked to the heavens. You’ve looked to different star beings and have decided that because they’re non-physical, that they must have all the right answers and they’re going to come in and save you. You haven’t found the “saving grace” happening from within your planet, yet we are here to say you have just replaced looking to the heavens for the Savior.

We’re going to say to you now that you are your savior. You have the tools. You have the wisdom. You have the connection. Inherently, you as that beautiful soul you are, are not lacking anything that anyone else needs to bring to you. We would lovingly say what you’re lacking at this moment is understanding that it’s all within your reach, that it’s all right there. It’s all in front of you.

You might say, “Well, where is it? I’m not experiencing it.” Historically, this dimension has put energies in place for you to not see them. But the revealing of these hidden talents of yours does not come from somebody else revealing them. It comes from you revealing them to yourself and realizing they have always been there. They have never been away from you.

We would encourage you to sit with this information, for it may rub many the wrong way. We know that. Yet in terms of this process of ascension happening from inside of you, first and foremost, just as your planet is experiencing her own ascension from the inside. She’s not looking to other planets to come and help her. If we told you that story that your beautiful planet you’re on was reaching out looking for assistance from other planets and stars that might almost sound ridiculous to you! Yet we would say to you that you, as human beings, if you are looking for other races who are nonphysical to come in and save you it’s the same thing. For this is about your free will. This is about your choice. This is about every choice you have in every moment to make a new decision, to take all the vast amounts of information that you’re taking in and digesting and actually put it to work. Actually use some of what you hear, not looking for a magic wand, not looking for somebody else to come in and change you and change your circumstances, but really begin to trust that you have the resources within you to affect all the change that you desire, in the right way.

You may want your world to turn upside down and we would say to you that energetically you’re not ready for your world to completely change to that which you envision. Things need to happen in stages. Can you allow those stages and trust yourself to work your way knowledgeably and faithfully through those stages versus asking somebody else or some other piece of information to come in and magically change it for you? Think about yourself that if you knew that you had to dig in, find resources and try something new and try another thing that’s new, try another thing that’s new, that empowerment begins to grow within you. You have greater faith in yourself. You begin to see that the Truth and the Light is within you. You begin to understand it always has been with you and never separated from you. You’re not regaining something that’s lost. You’re revealing something that’s been hidden. It’s always been there! It is now.

You will feel much better, if we could make it sound that simple, as you move forward knowing that you’ve done this for yourself. For if a star being came in and waved a magic wand and made life the way you think it should be in the process of ascension, you would feel dependent. You would feel dis-empowered. This is all about understanding and embodying the empowerment that already is you. The way you find those resources is by digging in.

If you read or listen to channeled sources, how much are you applying? Did you read something that sounded like a great idea and draw it in and incorporate it into your life? Did you see the result of it? Not everything that’s channeled is going to resonate with you. Choose those things that feel right. They feel resonant. How do you know they feel right? Because you feel good in the application of them. You feel good when you’re reading them or listening to them. That’s your barometer. How do you feel about it? Are you getting the results through the application that you desire? If you’re getting the results you want, then trust that. This is not an overnight process. Trust and understand that you have all the resources that you need within you. They’re there. If you trust that you are one with Source already, at the very deepest part of who you are, not the level of the human consciousness, but your deep parts, then you know you have all the resources for it. Beginning to trust yourself in that way will take you where you want to go, and in the process of doing that you will become confident, empowered and be able to share that with others, for others to connect with that very same vibration.

Be Blessed.

We are the High Council of Orion.”

© 2015 Copyright Holly Hawkins Marwood
This channeled message may be reproduced in it’s entirety provided it is kept in it’s original form and not altered or changed in any way, with the Author and a link to clearly displayed as shown below.
Author: Holly Hawkins Marwood

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