Friday, April 10, 2015

Expressing Love

Ascended Master, Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message ~ April 10 – 17, 2015

Channeler:Julie Miller

There are many individuals that use up a lot of their time and effort throughout their lives looking for any measure of happiness. Is attaining happiness that elusive? Have you concluded yet what happiness really is? There are many people among you that will tell you happiness is derived from the things you have accumulated, your financial status, address locale, and other things that are materialistic. But the truth is, in order to be authentically happy, you first must be able to make yourself happy. Learning what makes you happy, requires a great deal of discipline from you and the willingness to explore your mysterious inner person, discovering all the ways and reasons why you do things, collecting invaluable data as you go, discerning what is truly necessary in your life and what you are willing to live without. Such conclusions won’t come to you overnight or from a day or two of intense focusing inward. Your conclusions will come to you over time, as you grow and learn from various experiences and situations that have crossed your path. You learn what it is you want and what you don’t want. You come to realizations and truths regarding what makes you happy and what does not. It is not rocket science dear ones, you only need to be aware enough of what it is you want from life and by embracing your whole self for exactly who are as you are. That is a difficult challenge for many dear souls as many dear souls are unhappy with themselves yet want to increase the amount of happiness that is in their lives. To be truly happy, you must go within and make peace with what you find and allow what you find to uncover new treasures of your inner self that you have ignored for far too long to be revealed and to shine.

Happiness is thought of as merely an emotional state. It is one that is expressed through the foundation of love. When you express love through gratitude, forgiveness, joy, and optimistic thinking, you feel happy. On the other-hand if you express your emotions based on fear, frustration, sadness and melancholy then you will experience the fear, the anger, the sadness or the forlornness. There is no secret doctrine or guideline you need to follow in order to live a more joy-filled life. All you need dear ones is to express the love you feel from your precious heart and you are on your way to living a life that is joyful and happy.

Never forget that it is you that is the creator of your emotions, and it is you that feels the emotions you have created. No one puts them into your head, or makes you feel them. It is well understood dear ones that you are unaccustomed to taking a closer look at your emotions, therefore making it difficult for you to accept that you are responsible for them. It doesn’t have to be difficult. You simply have become used to having a middle way or step to your emotions.

Sometimes your busy, over-thought mind sets up certain criteria that has you believing you will much happier if you lose an extra 10 pounds, or how happy you will be to go away for vacation this year. But if you take a look at all the conditioning and patterning you have previously met over the years, you will quickly see that you have expressed love only when certain criteria are met and when you didn’t lost those pounds or didn’t go on that vacation, you remain unhappy, devoid of joy and filled with disharmonic feelings that encourage self-criticism and self-loathing. Just because something didn’t turn out as you planned, should not be the reason why you deny joy from being a part of your life.

We understand how difficult it can be to become more aware of the mental conditions that are used to set the standards for expressing your emotions. This usually happens because you choose to look beyond the mental and emotional factors because you continue to look for the source of your happiness from external means.

When you finally master your emotional standards and criteria, you will understand at a deeper level when it’s the right time to express love without needing to feel that it is the world that needs to meet your ideas. If given room, your mind dear ones can cause some pretty heavy complex standards that make it difficult to express love easily. When you clear out the clutter and empty some of your negative ways of thinking and being you open up your mental roadblocks and make your way to living a life filled with harmonious joy.

Happiness doesn’t have to be elusive. Remember dear ones, your emotions change from moment-to-moment. Tune in to them more often and observe their passing. You know already your expression can change quicker than the weather going through seasonal changes. The moment a new thought enters your busy mind, your expression also changes. You have the ability to create a reaction according to a mental image you have in your mind. And it is this emotional reaction that is often expressed. Knowing you can add an image to the emotion also indicates you can turn your emotions around by changing the image from an unhappy one to one that is happier. When you change your thoughts, you change your perception and when your perception changes, you create changes that ultimately affect your level of happiness, joy and peace. It is when you deny your ability to direct mind and your mental image of your emotions that happiness becomes so elusive and difficult to maintain.

Dear ones, when you finally gain mastery over your thoughts, beliefs, values, and mental imagery, you will then have mastery over what you express. When happiness is no longer something you are pursuing, then happiness becomes something you can radiate and share effortlessly.

And so it is…

I AM Ascended Master, Serapis Bey through Julie Miller

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