Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Who is * ASHTAR *?

"I AM Ashtar of the Divine Kumaras of Venus. I give you now my biography, as you call it, the relevant moments of my lifetimes in relation to the Ascension of the Earth. I come originally from the Angelic realms, where I began to work with Sananda Kumara. I was inspired to assist in his mission of Ascension, a mission that began eons ago, and I volunteered to come into this Universe because I was part of this mission, to experience and develop and ultimately ascend those in the Adam Kadmon template and especially those on planet Earth. I have undergone the most arduous of human experiences to the point of becoming lost in humanness as it was dragged down into lower vibrations for eons. Just as my beloved mentor Sananda Kumara volunteered to experience this human form on earth and to undergo the crucifixion and resurrection to show the potential of this Adam Kadmon template, I experienced several Earth human embodiments. These are not well known, and I will speak of them now because the moment for Earth humans to ascend has now arrived, and to ascend enmasse with the planet.

"I was with Amelius, as Sananda is known, in his very first Earth human embodiment - I was with him as Apollonius, one later known as Apollonius, that is. It is necessary to experience many lifetimes as an Earth human over the ages of Earth in order to understand and develop this human form on this planet, to have an understanding of all the degradations and limitations it became subjected to, while at the same time, being fully conscious of Source and of the great Love that we all are. So I can speak, as Sananda can, from long experience in Earth's human embodiments. There were many lifetimes, all with an incarnation of Sananda, and one of these was in Maya land as a prince of the Mayans. I brought through the calendar of the Mayans, because it was important for humanity to know the timing of their Ascension and their evolution out of darkness. It was important to know that there was a plan because practically everyone had become lost. Quetzalcoatl was Sanat Kumara and he did come as a fiery dragon from the skies. Teotihuacan was a base for Sananda and I was there. The Mayans were a test case for Ascension. Many of us incarnated there. We were on a mission. We were able to ascend a large majority of the population at that time in that culture. We were able to develop them and ascend them and we knew, we knew then that it was entirely possible. So we laid down the calendar because it laid out the plan and the timing - the divine timing.

"One of my embodiments was in the time of Sananda as Yeshua. This was the immediate forerunner for the attempted ascension of the planet. Actually, we planned to ascend the culture of the time and so we sent many, many into human embodiments with Sananda as Yeshua, and we all endeavored to demonstrate mastery of the human form on Earth, coming from the cultures on Earth. It was indeed arduous and challenging, to say the least. I became known at that time as Apollonius of Tyanna, and there were certain records made, the most dramatic being my bilocation out of the Roman Senate, and others of great mastery from the Kumara lineage accomplished many other so-called miracles as a demonstration of the divine potential in all humans. That was our mission and we did accomplish a great deal. However, the powers against us prevented the full ascension of the culture and we knew there was much more work to be done. However, Sananda left his indelible impression with his submission to crucifixion and the spread of his message, although heavily distorted, circled the globe in time, so that he would be known and recognized when he came in this time of culmination of the full ascension of planet Earth and all its members who are able to reach at least the 5th dimension of divine Love and Unity.

"In this present now we are in the final seconds of this long-awaited Earth Ascension and mass Ascension of the humans of planet Earth. We have assembled all star beings from the stars, from many galaxies, nations and cultures, many dimensions and understandings, to participate and witness this momentous Ascension of Earth. We put out the call. We Kumaras put out the call and many answered. We are so gratified that so many answered. It is now the most exciting moment in the entire Universe there has ever been in all of time and place, because we are working through the last moments of this, and the entire Universe is lifted along with the Earth and her inhabitants. All of these volunteers representing their home worlds enabled this energy to be affecting their own systems and worlds, universes and galaxies. We all ascend together ultimately, because that is the feedback of the energy we give, we have given over eons of time and space.

"So I am now here, and known officially in your government and official circles since the time your scientists began their atomic and nuclear experiments here, because we were called to intervene. The universe demanded intervention. It was a playback of Atlantean technology which only led to destruction, and actually further back, it was a replay that we had learned over eons that could not be allowed or all would perish into oblivion. For the sake of the many, we had to intervene and make known our message, so that there would be a conscious choice on the part of Earth's human governments as to the direction in which they were moving. And you know the results of that. We made official diplomatic connection with Earth's governments, many of them, the most relevant the United States. We met officially with Eisenhower and explained in great clarity and detail that we were willing to assist them, but only if they discarded all research and intentions to pursue their nuclear technology. They with their limited minds could not comprehend what we were saying. They only knew, or thought they knew, that they needed this as protection. Some of them thought that, but the real powers behind it all understood. They simply wanted control. They wanted an outpost, a base from which they could control the Solar System and beyond, because that was their drive in their 3D embodiments.

"So we have been working steadily since that time, infiltrating more and more volunteers from our fleets to create the environment and the consciousness that would call for the upliftment of humans and the upliftment of the Earth. And we have moved into the time where we are in the final seconds playing out in Earth time. I have given many messages announcing the step by step revelation of this plan and the vision of the present future of planet Earth, the Solar System, the Galaxy and the Universe we all live in. And I am overjoyed to be participating in this roundtable of co-creative partnership establishing this Ascension Center to bring all Earth humans, who are willing, with us as Earth rises to her divine position as an Ascended Planet. It is the culmination of our plan and we see it already done. And we acknowledge now that it is done and we acknowledge our participation in it.

"And so I, Ashtar, Commander of the Galactic Federation Fleet under Admiral Sananda Kumara, wecome you to The Ascension and The Golden Age. And so it is. Salut."

Dictated through Frances Pearre, March 6, 2010. Copyright Ashtar On The Road Publications. All rights reserved.

© Ashtar on the Road Publications 2004-2015. All rights reserved.


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