Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Watermark On Your Soul

A message from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Wednesday, 25 March, 2015

As the time of Easter enters your consciousness, realize that you will walk through a dimensional shift of Biblical proportion. You will walk through extensions of your parallel and multidimensional time-selves that show the true watermark on your soul. You will part the seas of continuation as you look between the past and the present.

At the time of Easter you be running dimensional programs within simultaneous time. You are the intersection of the Light meeting the Light. You stand at the crossroad of time. Soul Selves, Angelic Selves, and Over-soul Selves. Everything cavorts about you, surrounding you in a vastness of knowledge that predates time.

You will see as you stand in the center of your multi-universal being that the present is the only point of manifestation and creation. You can and will resurrect through time and space, releasing linear conjunctions and linear expectations as you mount your full potential,

I the higher aspect of the Christ speak to you from the intersection of self, Soul, and Over Soul. I speak to you at the point that you and I intersect forming a Star of David, a Star Tetrahedron, a living Mercaba. I ask you to take a priceless moment and turn your eyes inward—to your 3rd eye. Place your consciousness there on the blank screen of all possibilities and see the light that I AM, the Light that you are, and the Light that we can become together.

When Jesus the man left the earth as his Christed Self, and crowned his humanness in glory and Ascension, his disciples hid behind his event of transformation and transmutation. They focused upon this awe-inspiring event with fear, and doubt. They felt deserted, and abandoned. They felt empty heart broken. How could the son of God betray them?

As you have the opportunity to walk into your Christed garments of Light, will you feel as though you have abandoned your humanness, left it standing by the wayside? Will you feel as though you have abandoned the pleasures and tastes of earth, and those you love?

Do not allow your garment of Christed Light to be something that you only wear on Sundays or holidays. Wear it continually with the knowledge that you can be divine, holy, and human simultaneously. For Jesus the man said that the future generations of light workers would do greater deeds than ‘He’. This was a promise to the future children of light that would walk earth.

You shift the future by your thought, by your actions, by your awareness', and by your declarations. You have changed the molecular structure of the mind; the past will not enter your future. The instructions are as such. As you celebrate Easter – celebrate the Cosmic Christ, and the Human Being who lovingly moves toward Christed awareness. Do not get caught up in the trappings of what happened in Biblical Times, move past it.

Don’t camp out too long in the Spiritual Stigmata of your old selves. Yes, there were injustices. and pain. But it is not your job to own it. Your heart is a Christ Heart. Yes you take everything to heart. yes you feel the injustices, But how do those feelings serve you? You cannot move when you are drenched in pity, in shackled in sadness. mobility comes with love. Whenever your life is not moving, it is because you have cemented your feet in the past the way it was. I represent the Trinity of all the incarnations of Christ as do you. You have worn every religion, every faith, and every conviction. You have worn every magical, alchemical thought through time and space. You wear it all, for it can be no other way.

Look to the future with a heart that is Light. we are cut from the same fabric of light. I am not mightier than you are. I am not grander than you are. I am but your reflection you. Your potential is unlimited. It goes beyond words or expectations. I ask you at this time of Easter to receive my body in communion – but not through a wafer– but through a vibration. When the sun rises on the morn of Easter – breathe me into you. Sup upon my knowledge of all time – and I will sup upon your humanness. You are the pride and the joy of this universe. Stand up – to see in truth, the true reflection of the Cosmic Christ you are! You are born to begin anew every day.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 -

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