Sunday, April 13, 2014



The initial awakening stage may be as simple as beginning to question everything around you. Many people can clearly remember when they "woke up" and refer to feeling that life was somehow "more". It was the "more" that they set off in search of. It may be that you have a pull to "angels" or you begin to want to find out more about E.Ts or UFO's. The path that you are awakening to will show you the road you are walking by the subjects that you are interested in.

If you are in this stage you may well wonder how we can help you, many are overwhelmed at this stage, believing that those who have "awoken" some time ago are somehow better informed than they are. Feelings of inferiority may also arise at this stage as those around you may fall into using "jargon" which you are unfamiliar with. We guide at all times that there are NO "silly" questions, ANY question is valid and often there are many who are harbouring the exact same question.

TRUST and FAITH in SELF are vital at this stage as the process of awakening may unconsciously trigger those around you. As we have explained in our blogs and our books the triggering is what is termed a "frequency" overlay, it was created to trigger the human race unconsciously, thereby containing them further. To put it in very simple terms it may make those around you feel uncomfortable but they will not recognise this or even understand why. They may go out of their way to make fun of you or deride your interest, hoping that if they continue with this you will abandon your interest and return to the person they are used to. This serves no one least of all SELF. You will have awoken at the perfect moment that your SOUL has chosen to awaken. As you begin to search for information and question then this will lead you to discover new information and a new way of looking at the world.

Support is ALWAYS available and is given to you in various forms by the universe. You may for example attend a workshop or talk on a subject you are interested in and meet people who become life long friends. Do not allow the old earth to hold you back, you are here in this human form on this planet to EXPAND and GROW, this is always beyond your perceived comfort zone.

For me personally it was a fascination with crystals that led to my full awakening. It is to be realised that you will have awoken at a young age, when you look "back" at your early childhood and younger years you may be able to realise that you had an interest in the very subjects that now fascinate you but were perhaps persuaded by your family to pursue something else. To give you a very simple example, my interest and affiliation with Dragons, as a channel I channel this realm but looking back to my earlier years I used to collect Dragon ornaments and read stories about Dragons. The "clues" if you will are always there often hidden in plain view. 

Whenever you feel a bit "lost" at this stage it is advisable to try to find balance. Whether you do this meditating, listening to music or going for walks in nature, be guided by how you FEEL. If you are doing something that makes you FEEL energised and excited then you are following your inner guidance whether you are aware of this or not at conscious waking mind level.

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