Thursday, March 6, 2025

Your Time | The Creator via Jennifer Farley - March 5, 2025

Your Time

For those of you who feel as if the volume of your original gifts has been turned down…

Yes, there are shifts occurring and they are very important. Gather the information and incorporate it as you see fit. But, this is also a time for rest. Take care of your body, mind and soul. Preparation is needed because you will be called into service in a way that has not been experienced on your Earth plane. In the meantime, send as much Unconditional Love as you can to all. Your time is coming, dear one! 

– Creator

The Creator Writings

Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton - March 6, 2025

 Want a New Version of Earth? You Get to Choose It ∞Thymus

want a new earth? you can choose it - thymus - channeled by daniel scranton

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Want a New Version of Earth? You Get to Choose It ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of Ascended Masters.

We are working with you all the time, whether you realize it or not, and you are benefiting from the stability that we provide to you in the twelfth dimension, allowing you to have experiences of great instability in your dimension. We are the tether that keeps you there and helps you to find your way back to your center, back to your power and your truth. We derive much joy from helping you, and sometimes we see an area where everyone on planet Earth could use some help. Now is one of those times.

You all experience bouts of sadness and even depression when you look out at the state of your world and you hear news of what might happen next. You all get dragged down at times by the happenings of the day, and it certainly doesn’t help that there are people who predict that things will get worse before they get better there on Earth. And so we want to remind you that the Earth that you experience right now is not the Earth that you will experience in the next split second. You are traveling all the time to other realities that have an entirely different Earth than the one that you were just experiencing.

What that means is that you don’t have to despair over the state of affairs of the earth that you’re currently experiencing. In fact, you would do much better to look at what you’re putting your attention on. Which of the challenges facing humankind on planet Earth at this moment has your attention? And then you must ask yourself the question of why. Why does that particular issue hit home for you? What is it that’s getting activated within you?

And when you identify the fear, the anxiety, or whatever it is that comes up within you, then you have the opportunity to process it and move beyond it. You will then be assuring yourself that you don’t have to continue to experience the same old, same old, and you certainly won’t be on a timeline where you are moving towards more chaos and destruction, more war, violence, and greed.

You elevate your consciousness by doing inner work that you are meant to do, and then you harmonize with a different planet Earth that gives you that new reflection that you want to see. But if you are in despair, then you are in agreement with people who say that it’s going to take a lot for the landscape on planet Earth to change given where we are right now. It only takes you doing the work that you need to do on yourselves to experience a brand new Earth that is very dissimilar to the one that you were just experiencing, but it takes introspection. It takes self awareness. You need to take the time to do the work that you need to do in order to clear what you need to clear so that you don’t continue to create an earth that is not to your liking.

You all have the ability to do this, and some of you have done it when you’ve heard about a prediction that you didn’t want to come true, and you focused on the opposite of the predicted outcome. You do this all the time without realizing that you are doing it. Those of you who are awake are more positive in your orientation, so you are more likely to focus on the positive outcome, the positive future, than someone who is not awake, someone who is not aware of who they really are.

If we could convince you of your power, you would be using the state of the world as it is today to look within yourself for what the major issues are, and then you would do the clearing, the processing that you need to do, and you do that by facing the thought, the feeling, and the belief. Face them head on and know that it is easier to change a thought and a belief than you think, but it might be harder for you to clear an emotion, especially if the emotion has been accumulating inside of you for quite some time.

So give yourself plenty of time to breathe your way through an emotion and allow yourself to feel it completely before you move on from that part of it. And then focus on the world that you do want to harmonize with, the world that you want to vibrate in the same frequency of, and you will be moving in that direction. We guarantee it. We see it all the time, and we are helping you do it, not only with this transmission but in all the ways that we work with all of you.

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

The Very Thought of You - Heavenletter #423

 God said:

Where would you like to go with Me today? What would you like to partake of? What do you want to see? Which of My arms do you want to hold on to? To what place in the universe would you like to accompany Me? And whom would you like to bring with you?

Of what would you like to sample? Where would you like to travel with Me today? Of what momentousness shall We partake? Let's make today a vacation into Reality. Let's make it a journey of desire. Let's make a path in a road untraveled. Let's go where you have never been before.

But, ah, there is no before. There is no place where you have not been, for I am everywhere, and I am never without you, and you are never without Me, and so there is only Allness and Everywhere and the Beingness of Us.

We have traveled many roads together in Our One Existence. We have tasted all the flavors of life. We have been everywhere and done everything together. The difference is I remember, and you forget.

You forget where you have been, and you forget where you are. You forget who you are, and you forget Our inviolable connection. You think you are someone else somewhere else, and so your mind wanders.

You cannot wander, but your mind certainly can. Your mind certainly does. But if your mind can wander from your heart's truth, it can certainly come back. It can restore itself to its rightful place. You have rights. You have rights of being.

Rites of passage are mental exercises. It is your thoughts you pass through. Get past them.

Burn your thoughts in the fire of truth. Let them go up in smoke. Of what good are thoughts when they keep you back from the realization of who and what you are?

Perhaps you require new thoughts. Disenfranchise your present ones, for they are not even your own.

Walking the path of righteousness is nothing more than knowing where you are going. Knowing where you are going is everything. When you don't know where you are going, you bump into things. You stub your toe. When you know where you are going, you take flight. There is only one flight, and it is to Me.

Is there some place else that you want to go? Is there some place else in existence to go to? Is there another's heart you wish to enter more than Mine? Is there another jurisdiction on earth? What is there but the rule of My heart? And the rule of My heart is love. Love is your function. It is your destination, and it is your path. Let your heart leap over to Mine.

Anything but pure love is a substitute, and a poor one at that. You have dallied with yourself. You have experimented with yourself. It is your free will to choose to fool around. It is also your free will to choose your own greatness. You have searched for fool's gold. You have sought to catch light, when light is yours to shine. The stream of light to catch is your own.

Light is what belongs to you. Light is what you are made of. My light is what you are made of. I made you with great love. Making you with is the same as making you of. What I made you of is what you are. You are what I made you of. What could I possibly make you of but what I am?

There was nothing but Myself to choose from, and therefore I chose you. I discovered you Myself. You appeared before My very eyes. I said, "Let there be light." And you appeared in the light. I never stopped saying, "Let there be light". And so My light emanated in a thought of you, and so My light that is you continues.

Agree with My thought. Concede to it. Surrender to the light of My heart that flames in you. Stop fussing. Now discover Me in you.

A Calling To Prepare ~ The Pleiadian Council of Light By Chellea Wilder - March 6, 2025


by Chellea Wilder

Greetings beloved ones, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

We enjoy connecting with you. Thank you for this transmission.

While the majority of messages you receive from the various Galactic Councils are primarily focused on elevating your consciousness into the harmonious vibrations of peace and oneness, it is important to acknowledge that some of these communications serve a dual purpose: they are intended to convey the unvarnished truth of your current physical circumstances.

These truths are essential elements that can significantly influence your spiritual growth and development in profound ways. Understanding your environment, the dynamics at play, and the challenges it presents is crucial for navigating your spiritual journey effectively and with intention.

Recognizing the realities of your surroundings, equips you with the necessary tools to respond to the shifting energies and circumstances that you encounter along your path.

We observe a multitude of potential scenarios that could unfold in your near future; however, there is one particularly significant scenario that stands out prominently above all others. This is a calling at this time, for greater awareness and preparation as you move forward in these transformative times. It beckons you to engage deeply with your inner wisdom and to cultivate a heightened sense of awareness that allows you to discern the waves of change that are unfolding around you.

In this era of profound change, the energies that permeate your world are non-discriminatory; they do not favor one group over another. Instead, they flow freely, impacting all of humanity indiscriminately.

Unfortunately, there are many individuals and forces during this critical period who are actively pushing negative vibrations towards the human collective. These forces are insidiously planting seeds of upheaval, discord, and chaos, which are resulting in widespread confusion and turmoil. As a consequence, you may soon witness the surfacing of deception and betrayals that have been lurking beneath the surface, potentially causing a whirlwind of emotional and psychological upheaval within the Human Collective Consciousness.

It is essential to recognize that while many of you who engage with these messages possess a great degree of discernment and intuition, even the most enlightened among you, may find yourselves taken back, by the revelations that are on the horizon. These truths may challenge your perceptions and beliefs, prompting you to reassess your understanding of your reality and your place within it.

We share this information to remind you of the importance of maintaining your energies in a positive alignment with Love and Unity Vibrations. By doing so, you will not only shield yourselves from the negative influences that are prevalent but also contribute to the collective healing and upliftment of humanity as a whole.

It is through this unwavering commitment to love and unity that you can play a significant role in countering the negative influence of the disruptive forces. In a world where chaos can erupt into division, conflict, and misunderstanding, your dedication to fostering love and togetherness becomes a powerful antidote. By actively promoting these values, you create a supportive and nurturing environment where peace can thrive, understanding can deepen, and compassion can blossom.

We Love you, and are here with you.

We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.

Pleiadians of Alcyone.

Transmission Received by Chellea Wilder, at

Pleiadian Message - March 2025


by Christine Day

Beloved ones we greet you,

There are many Galactic Federation ships entering your Earth’s atmospherically vast multidimensional terrain. These ships are creating vibrational circular pulsing flows between them, birthing pulsing light streams that allow further transformational openings to reactivate throughout your planet. Building vast vortexes of light that are pre-destined for this time, while interacting within the sacred sites scattered throughout your planet. The Network surrounding Earth has begun to expand further by releasing frequencies of starlight that are unearthing pockets of density, dissolving further realms of illusion that have been in place for lifetimes.

This Network continues to become more whole within itself. As the Network continues to play a supportive role with the vast shifts that have been created by this series of repositioning cycles that have been operational within the Earth’s frequency since entering 2025. These repositioning cycles are re-establishing sacred designs, that have been designated for Earth to be infused and then birthed in waves across the planet. Sacred imprints are being returned and seeded deeply within the earth’s Magnetic core, further elevating the entire planets vibrational pulse in alignment with the rest of this resident Universe.

These imprinted designs hold multidimensional light flows of brilliance, which are also designed to transmit and interact within your Heart’s cellular structure creating a metamorphic electrical shift within the brain cells, brain synapses and Pineal. This is the beginning of a next phase of a maturing of your sacred systems to allow you to operate more streamlined, on a conscious level within your multidimensional sacred framework. These spaces within you having been lying dormant until now.

This maturing involves an expansion within the activity of your brain, beginning to utilize areas of your brain that have not been previously operational. The honeycombed areas of brain cells are illuminating, responding to the transmitted imprinted frequency from the Network. As these areas of your brain awaken you will begin to understand, receive clarity of yourself in relationship to the God consciousness state. Awakening, remembering, knowing, clarity! The reality of your Higher-Self state coming into an active focused intent for your living now.

You are being asked to let go and allow, do not edit your experiences through the limited perception of the Ego mind. Allow your Heart to naturally re-enter the oneness, flow within all lifeforce energy within the Universe. This also includes your relationship with each living component that exists within the earth plane and with your Galactic neighbors.

Your purpose is to claim and fulfill being alive. With open arms move into a next step of authentic relationship within the vast pulse of lifeforce energies, which have always existed in each moment within your experience on Earth. You are in truth part of this lifeforce, you have never existed separate from this state. Reality is you being part of this flow of Oneness. You are a unique aspect of the Oneness flow that has always been in place. This process is merely a returning of awareness that has aways been an aspect of truth, always existed beyond the 3rd dimensional illusion. Your mission for this lifetime is to be in this physical body while returning to embody truth!

This Network is playing a powerful role of conductor designed to assist you for this next step of awakening. Acting as a conduit pathway allowing you to re-enter the direct experience within the Oneness flow.

We are bringing you notice of a series of upcoming events that will further reveal to you the sacred Network that is now operational throughout your planet’s atmosphere. This Network will be expanding its alignment within the multidimensional aspects of the unconditional love within this resident Universe. Interacting, lining up many planetary cycles to consolidate these higher frequency states.

The night sky is going to be mirroring, reflecting these higher consciousness states of change as they align within the Network. Like a glistening web of light particles, pure vibrational flows, these higher expanded streams of energy will be made manifest to you. As you witness the sky at dusk, the night sky, the dawn sky see sense or feel the magnitude of the grandeur of light exploding throughout the vast spaces. The reflection of truth, of sacred wisdom being made manifest in timeless experience, returning to Earth, to you.

Become aware of the vast activity within the sky above and know that you are in truth part of that expansive consciousness. This is your time to take ownership of aspects of your heritage, as a being of light, as a Star being. You are being invited to re-enter these sacred spaces from which you originated. Open to consciously receive the many levels, layers of light frequency transmissions being returned to you during these moments. Memories of multidimensional experiences being mirrored back to you, engaging through your Heart cells from your family of origin off planet.

Remember as you are interactive with this Network your Heart cells and brain cells will evolve further into another aspect of expansion. Your sacred unlimited potential will be enabled to unfolding naturally.

The Galactic Federation are holding the required frequencies steady, stabilizing these energetic framed moments by becoming anchors to enable you to engage multidimensionally. This supports the ongoing birth of the higher Network, while allowing you to individually enter a next phase of your self-resurrection as you consciously reclaim, reorientate to your Star heritage.

PROCESS: There is a sacred Thought Code that will assist you to align and utilize these framed experiences of consciousness.

Thought Code: YAHN AHHH… (pronounced yarn arrr)

NOTE: With the Thought Code you think the work without making the sound.

As you witness the light activity within the sky, hold your awareness within the space that you are experiencing, whether you see, sense or feel this.
Bring both palms of your hands to your upper chest, feel the warmth of your hands, the pressure of your hands on your chest. Take a breath, let go. Feel see or sense the connection.
Place the Thought Code, YAHN AHHH… within the experience. Open your awareness within the space that you see sense or feel expanding, maybe it is drawing you in this space. Remember you are not separate from this space, you belong here, you are returning.
Take a conscious breath and choose to let go in that moment. Open your awareness further.
Repeat the entire process, utilizing the thought code, YAHN AHHH…as often as you feel.

Simultaneously as you transform, awaken and transmute, know that the 3rd dimensional human drama will continue to intensify and unfold on your planet. Earth now holds two distinct alternate reality spaces, very diverse experiences: the human experience of illusion and you reopening into the space of your sacred multidimensional beingness.

Focus on taking moments in the stillness within your Heart. Allow yourself to let go into the unfamiliar and in a certain moment you will remember yourself! This is your time to become.

Let go of the need to know, the need to be perfect! Celebrate each experience that you have chosen to manifest for yourself within your life, take responsibility ownership of what you have created. The journey can be trusted to bring you to where you need to be! Trust and let go….

We witness you in all aspects of yourself; the human persona and the sacred aspects of you. Remember each moment you align to your Heart space you transform.

We witness you as you unfold.


The Pleiadians