Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton- October 15, 2024

 The Rest of the Ride to the 5th Dimension ∞The Creators

The Rest of the Ride to the 5th Dimension ∞The Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We notice when you are struggling there on Earth with a particular subject, a topic that seems to haunt you in your day-to-day lives. And we know that you probably notice them as well, and you call them your issues. You say you are struggling with a particular issue, and it is true that you chose to explore certain themes within your life, certain themes that would challenge you to grow. So, the first thing you want to do when you recognize that you have one of these challenges is to not feel that there is something wrong with you or that you have been doing something wrong because you have that particular challenge.

The more challenges you have, the more challenges you’ve taken on, and the more challenges you’ve taken on, the more of a master you know yourself to truly be. And therefore, the person who has the most challenges is there on Earth at this time to know themselves as the master that they truly are. You can release all judgment of yourself and of others for having these issues that you’ve struggled with. That is a good first step to take.

Acceptance will allow you to then see it for what it really is. It’s an opportunity for you to go beyond where you have ever been able to go before, and whether you know it or not, your lives are largely about that. Sure, you can experience joy and pleasure and bliss and creativity and love and excitement and all the other things that you are going to experience, but in your pursuit of those things you will often find yourselves face to face with the theme that you chose to explore in a challenging way. 

What that means is, no matter where you are on your path right now, it is perfect. You haven’t screwed up. You haven’t gone far off of your path, and when you recognize that changing the way you are looking at the issue or challenge itself is the way to get through it, that’s when you know you are on your way to being beyond it. In other words, you will get past this particular challenge. It does not have to stay with you for the entirety of your life. 

You will in fact move on to different challenges as you progress. That is as it is supposed to be. When you surrender to the challenge itself, and you recognize that there are solutions to every problem, you are taking yet another step towards moving beyond the issue. When you step back from it completely and you recognize who you really are as a Being of Source Energy, then it becomes possible for you to let in one of the many possible solutions that are available to you at all times. 

Remember that when you are struggling the next time with one of your core issues. You can always let go of the struggle and step away from it. You can always step back and recognize who you really are, take a few deep breaths and decide that tackling this challenge yet again can be fun for the very first time. And it can be fun because you are deciding that it can be fun. 

You are the creator of this game, and you are the one who knows best how to play it. Play is the important word in that statement. That’s how you make your life experience fun. When you see it as a game and you realize that you are meant to play it, then you can let go of all of your serious thoughts, and you can begin to enjoy your ride that you are on to the fifth dimension. 

We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

Peace Is Something You Give - Heavenletter #298

God said:

Peace is not something you plead for. Peace is something you give. It is that simple. You give peace. You send peace. You beget peace.

Peace is not a decision. It is an awareness on which a decision can be based, a decision to go by your essential nature.

You do not always feel love, yet you are love.

You do not always feel at peace, yet your nature is peace.

Those who strive for strife have been misled as to what feels good. Strife may take the Human mind off its painful thought for a while, so, in that sense, agitation is like a palliative. But it becomes addictive, and the mind craves more agitation to get its attention off its self-inflicted pain.

Those who have sought the stimulation and the righteous indignation of war have found it. Those who have sought the evenness of peace have allowed it.

Does not everyone know what My desire is? And My desire is not for Me but for you, and therefore it is for Me too. I Who am at peace desire you to have the Oneness of peace which is the Reality of Us.

You have imagined and become fraught at the thought that there is someone else out in the world who is not you and therefore is, at best, not interested in you, and, at worst, out to get you. But there is no one out there at all. There is only you and I. And so those who make war make it with themselves and feel noble.

There is the old expression that says you are your own worst enemy. I take that further. You are the only enemy. What your thoughts are, you will reflect. And what you reflect is multiplied in the mirror of life.

I did not set you down on a battlefield. You named it that. I set you down in a heavenly valley which you mistook.

You have seen ignorance, and you called it an affront. You took the ignorance for insult which shows your ignorance.

If you have seen enemy, now see something else instead.

All those who make war are like Chicken Little who thought the sky was falling. She made an error in judgment. She saw something and thought it was something else.

There is a mirror out there, and it shows your face to you.

I conceived you well. You have misconceived yourself.

Give a little, and no one can take away from you. Hold on, and you are vulnerable.

It is easy to say the word "peace". It is just as easy to give it. Get out of the midst of turmoil. It is not worthy of My child.

"Love your neighbor as yourself." That would work except that you do not love yourself, so you do not love your neighbor. You do love your neighbor as yourself, and that is a pitiful story of Human life which was given to be on a grander scale than that.

War is a culmination of poor vision, poor insight. Take the arrow out of your heart. You put it there. You thought it came from east or west or from over a hill, but it came from your own hand, and it is your own hand that has kept it there.

The moment the world wants peace, it will have it.

The world gets what it wants.

Peace can occur in an instant. But you do not believe that.

But belief has nothing to do with it. Beliefs are old, and you keep them around, and you begin to think that your beliefs are the only ones. Beliefs are nothing but old thoughts.

Get some new thoughts. Acquire new vision.

Give peace, or at least allow it.

You sense My eagerness for a world at peace. Do not feel that I turn away from you. I Who am the Originator of Peace cannot give you less than what I ask you to give.

Know My love for you, for it is deep. I have filled you with it. You are full of My love. And My love is ongoing. No matter what you say, no matter what you think, no matter what you think of Me, you have My love enduring. You are My heart. You are the reason for My Being. I am not here for nothing. I am here for you, My one child I created in My image.

What could My image be but of love and peace?

My image is not an image. It is truth. And the truth of Me is the truth of you.

Come to your rightful place next to Me. I have been saving it for you. Come right now with the gift of peace I give to you and you return to Me.

Look high. I am on high, and there is a place for you on high with Me. Forget petty squabbles. Remember Us.

I have great things for you to do. Drop your arms, and look into My eyes, for they are yours.


Jeshua: The Core of Your Problem - October 14, 2024


by Pamela Kribbe

Dear friends,

I am Jeshua. I greet you all in love.

There is so much love around you: in the people about you, in the spirit world that surrounds the Earth. There is also the love in your own heart, so there is always a connection to love.

Love gives you everything you need: the freedom to be with all aspects of yourself, mature and immature, light and dark. Love gives you the freedom to develop at your own pace, to gradually dissolve the confusion in your heart and in your mind. Love gives you freedom and safety.

Feel for a moment inside your heart that this love is available to you now, not at a later time when you are farther advanced on the path. Love belongs to the now moment; it is fully accepting of the imperfect, of what is in progress, of what is separated. You do not have to present yourself differently to the eyes of love; let the flow of love come to you as you are, right now.

In almost all people is a thought that you must earn love, that you have to work toward changing yourself in order to be worthy of love. There is a deep shame in most of you that breeds unworthiness: you feel you need to apologize, to justify yourself. It is an attitude that many of you have. At the same time, there is such longing for love, for relaxation, and for the freedom to be who you are. And that means you find yourself in a continual battle with life.

I ask you to identify that voice in yourself that criticizes and exhorts you to improve yourself, comments about how you look and what you feel, think, and do. There is a sharp voice somewhere inside you, a relentless inner critic. Try to observe that energy that is in yourself. You might see it as a face or a form, a color or a shape – whatever you see is okay.

Essentially this is the voice of fear in you: the fear of failure, of not being good enough; the fear of being abandoned. That fear is there in everyone.

You became separated from the whole – at least that is how it felt – when you, as an individual soul, left on your way into the unknown. In that moment of separation, which was essentially the birth of the soul, there was distress caused by an alienation from Home, from the Source out of which you originated. That alienation, that feeling of being lost, was necessary, because it forced you to begin your search; you were, so to say, “thrown into the deep end”. For the first time, there was anxiety in your consciousness, and you went looking for wholeness.

On this journey, there emerged a sense of unworthiness. It has been a long journey in which fear, power, and dependence played large roles. If you do not feel whole inside, if you do not know love from within, you go in search of nurturing from external things in the form of recognition and love from others.

That can become distorted into a need for power, a need to rule over others so that you get what you need energetically and emotionally. And so you see people seeking emotional nurturing from others in order to fill the emptiness inside themselves. They search for it in relationships between partners, in work situations, everywhere. There is a sense of unworthiness that lies at the bottom of many of their actions.

If you recognize that need in yourself, then the solution lies close by. But as long as you are in any way still seeking nurturing in external energies, you stay intent on the questions: “How should I be in my relationships? How should I be with my family? How should I be in my work?” Those appear to be important questions, but at their core, it is about the relationship with yourself and the feeling of deep self-esteem and love that you have for yourself.

There lies the key.

I ask you now to descend energetically with your attention and awareness into your abdomen. Completely fill your abdominal cavity with pure awareness. Descend and feel how your awareness flows like fresh, clear water into your abdomen. Be present there and see a child who in one way or another feels unworthy and not good enough to deserve love. Go to this child, reach out and take its hand – this is your child. You give it strength; you bring life to it by your presence and faithfulness.

When you live your life by trying to nurture yourself with the energies of others – because of an inner emptiness – you distort yourself into being what you are not, which does an injustice to yourself. You are not being really true to yourself when you try to adapt to the expectations and requirements of others, lest you not get the love you crave. But doing that causes your inner child to suffer because it wants to be itself, spontaneous and natural.

It requires a lot of courage to be able to go inward and to feel the heart of the problem: your own sense of unworthiness. Time and again you are encouraged to do so.

Every crisis in your life is the result of what lies at the bottom of the problem. But you do not have to solve it all at once. The important thing is to be aware that unworthiness lies at the bottom of the problem – this deeply rooted unworthiness – along with the key to its solution: love for yourself.

Feel the light that is here: the light of yourself and everything that is here in this space. Allow this light to radiate into your abdomen and your inner child; you are worthy of receiving it. You are an inalienable part of Creation and as such you will be loved and protected and carried by a greater whole.

I greet you all.

The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, Oct. 13, 2024

Dear Readers, welcome to our message.

The increase in chaos, confusion, and violence worldwide has much to do with dense three dimensional energies surfacing at this time. There are some who live fully from three dimensional consciousness that have kept their separation beliefs hidden from others, but as low resonating energy surfaces as part of earth’s clearing process, they feel alignment with them and interpret this as permission to act on their beliefs. Many are also misinterpreting the energies of spiritual empowerment flowing to earth at this time.

The clearing process will occasionally force a deeply buried pocket of old energy to burst forth as some serious physical manifestation. This happens in situations where there has been a horrific, painful, or torture experience in a past life, an experience that the traumatized soul has shoved deeply within in order to never remember or re-experience unaware that by doing so they are storing this old energy rather than ridding themselves of it.

Do not attempt to fit spiritual truth into the three dimensional belief system you are familiar with because the ideas, beliefs, rules, and ways of three dimensional spirituality are for the most part concepts. This has been the mistake of almost every organized religion where the original founder was of a highly evolved state of consciousness and taught truth, but after he was gone, followers who were not of the founder’s same highly evolved consciousness began to interpret, teach, and change the original message to fit their states of consciousness. This is why truth should never be organized.

Three dimensional programing continues to be promoted by the media, organized religion, governments, educators, and so called experts of every field. Learn to be an observer. This does not mean you don’t see or are unaware of world situations but rather means that you silently and secretly translate outer appearances to their reality, that which underlies them.
It does not mean you do not lend a helping hand when or where needed.

Acknowledge the true nature of every person regardless of how spiritually unaware they may be. Allow appearances to unfold without trying to heal, change, or correct them in the realization that they are mind formed images, manifestations of a collective consciousness formed of duality, separation, and the belief in two powers. Being an observer is much like watching a movie.

Divine consciousness is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent infinitely expressing ITSelf in, as, and through you and all life.

Omniscience means that God is all knowing, fully aware of all that is. When this is known, understood, accepted, and becomes a realized state of consciousness, it eliminates any need to beg, plead, or tell God what is needed. You may ask; “If Divine Consciousness knows only the reality of ITself and therefore has no concepts or awareness of the dreams the three dimensional world is dreaming, how can God possibly know what I need here on earth?” This is how–Mind, (which in reality is Divine Mind individualized) functions as an avenue of awareness interpreting one’s state of consciousness. Mind draws upon and translates a consciousness of omniscience as the forms a person needs and can relate to.

The scientist may find the solution to a science problem suddenly in thought. A teacher without effort may find the new and better way of presenting some topic that she/he has been searching for. Original music will flow into the awareness of a musician and a totally new inspiration comes to an artist. A person is guided to the perfect handyman, plumber, or electrician etc. that he or she may need.

Omnipresence means that God is everywhere, filling all space because IT is all space. IT is all that is and therefore nothing can or ever has existed outside of Divine Consciousness. If you make your bed in hell, God will be there. There is no need to go to a spiritually dedicated building to find God because God is wherever you are. God is on the battlefield, in the fire and flood, in churches and in prisons, in forests and oceans, in the sky,earth, and all space but is largely unrecognized and experienced because most humans as of yet are creating their world from beliefs of duality, separation, and powers other than the ONE.

Omnipotence. God is the only power. Indeed there are many things that claim to have power and do have power in the three dimensional world. The belief in powers other than God is idolatry and holds a person in bondage to the effects of that which they are giving power to–people, things, money, governments, churches, weather, gurus, disease, etc. etc. God is the only and all power simply because God alone is.

The world as you have come to understand it falsely believes that the totality of a person is their human-hood, the material sense of them that you see. Omniscience, Omnipresence, Omnipotence constitute the essence and reality of every individual regardless of their level of spiritual awareness or actions. This doesn’t mean there is not a need for jails, counselors, doctors, etc. People can only hear and understand according to their state of consciousness but help is available for all levels of awareness.

Evolution is the process of waking out of a very long dream ( sometimes pleasant, and sometimes a nightmare) of being a weak, helpless, victim of duality, separation, and two powers.

The world is awakening.

We are the Arcturian Group 10/13/24

Ascension Bites - Monday, October 14, 2024


As you surrender to the flow 

and follow love's guidance

everything will become your teacher

and help you heal the pain of your remembered past.

The key is to drop your resistance.

The old tendency of labeling something

as good or bad.

Allow for the curve balls

as you practice going beyond the mind's prior decisions.

As you transfer to your new opportunity at last 
