Thursday, October 17, 2024

Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton - October 17, 2024

 What’s Happening in These Exciting Times ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters

What’s Happening in These Exciting Times ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We are awakening within you the memory of the times when you have felt yourselves to be masters, and that is why you are able to recognize mastery in any of us. Of course, when you are in a nonphysical state, it is easier for you to know yourself as masterful, but that is primary reason why you went to the physical and to Earth in particular. You like a challenge. You like multiple challenges, because you know how much growth you can receive from having experienced intense challenges.

We seek to empower you to face those challenges with everything that you need and everything that you are. Everything that you have inside of you is enough to face any challenge, or else you wouldn’t be facing it. What you can expect in terms of help coming from above is the energetic support around you so that you feel capable of handling those challenges. In other words, it’s a lot easier to succeed at something when you feel unconditionally loved by those around you than it is when you feel that conditional love will only come if you perform at a certain level of mastery.

None of that is being asked of you by us, but sometimes you ask it of yourselves, and sometimes you can be and have been very hard on yourselves. We are here now to help you to relax and to remember, to allow that which is the inner power that you have to flow. When you allow the inner power that you have and that you are to flow, life seems a lot more manageable. It seems easy in fact. And when it does, often you then present yourselves with a new challenge, because you don’t want to get bored and because you don’t want to stagnate. 

You want to keep growing, and you will keep growing, but you want to feel the growth and you want to know that you are spurring it on by creating new challenges for yourselves. And in so doing, of course, you find that there are new catacombs within you to reach into for the power that is innate within each and every human being. We have sought to empower you by showing you what is possible through our lives there on Earth, and we know that much more is coming for all of you and that you will see so many more examples of what humans are capable of right now, because more and more masters are emerging as teachers for the human collective.

And you don’t know what you don’t know until you realize you didn’t know something. In this case, the ‘something’ we are referring to is just how powerful you are and what you are capable of doing while in a fourth-dimensional physical human body. These are exciting times indeed, and you should be excited about what you are about to discover is inside of all of you. 

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.”

Get Ready | The Creator via Jennifer Farley - October 17, 2024


Get Ready

With the changes you have been asking for fully underway, it is time to get ready for a great deal more information to come in. Use the next few weeks to ground yourself properly and release anything you may feel is holding you back. 

You have been preparing for a moment like this your entire life. Walk forward with your head high and your heart full. The Universe will lovingly take care of the rest. 

~ Creator

The Creator Writings

Set Sail - Heavenletter #300


God said:

What does the word "attempt" mean? You attempt something because that which you attempt has drawn you to it. It tempted you, as it were. Think of attempt more as something that draws you to it and less as effort or exertion.

Attempt is like trying on a hat. You try on hats until you find one that seems right. Perhaps you have to go to another store, but you know it is a hat you are looking for, and so you continue to try them on.

There is an upcoming occasion that you need a hat for. There is a purpose in your looking for the hat. If you forget your purpose, the search is less thrilling for you, less momentous, more random or lackadaisical.

Consider a hat purchase as a metaphor for your life.

When your life seems lusterless, you have forgotten your purpose in life. When you give up on something, you have cudgeled yourself into thinking that the reason was for you, as if the purpose were yours and yours alone. There is something you want to discover, and it has to serve a purpose bigger than just your wanting it.

Every day of your life is an attempt at it.

When I say to recall your higher purpose beyond your little individuality, I am not talking about sacrifice. You don't sacrifice yourself. You do not cut yourself off from something. Rather, you are finding yourself. You are finding what calls you, and what calls you is who you are.

An artist must paint. A musician must play. A dreamer must dream. And a Human being on Earth must be.

From the being of you comes your life on Earth.

Every day is a new composition. It is a new canvas. You can let go of the old one. You can let go of yesterday.

Whatever you thought you weren't yesterday, you can be today. Whatever you want to be, you can be. Only do not desire too small a thing, and do not desire it solely because you want it.

Your desire fits into something. It belongs somewhere, not only in your hand. When your fulfilled desire comes into your hand, there is someplace else where it wants you to put it. Consider your desires as stars you call to you, and when they come, you pin them to the firmament. They come to you so you will put them in their rightful place. That is not sacrifice. Pinning your desires in the firmament is your true desire, and so you fulfill it.

Nothing is for you alone. There is nothing you experience that is for you alone. Of one thing you can be sure, you experience it for Me. Willy-nilly, you experience for Me.

The awareness of this makes it possible for you to become unattached to your desires. A bigger vision allows you to be unattached. A bigger vision keeps you going. You attempt again. But you do not have to have the result to put in your pocket. The result comes in order to be shared with the universe.

Edison could not discover a lightbulb for himself alone. He did not even discover it. He stumbled on it. He tried enough, and then the secret of electricity appeared.

Columbus could not discover a new land for himself. He could not keep it to himself, and why would he? Discoveries want to be shared. And he, too, did not discover anything. He stumbled onto something. But first he had to set sail in his ship.

So I instruct you to set sail today for a new land, and you will discover it right where you are. It can only be where you are. One more attempt, and perhaps another, and you will discover discovery for a purpose beyond yourself.

Archangel Michael: Find The Vibrational Match to Yourselves - October 16, 2024


by James McConnell

I am Archangel Michael and I come to be with you at this time, in these times of vibrational frequency, everything now my friends is about frequency, vibration and consciousness.

Everything is moving in that direction and you are finding yourselves moving in that direction, in the sense that you are finding the match.

You spoke about that in your discussion earlier; and it was not by happenstance, not by coincidence, that this came about, that this topic was broached here. Because it is all about that as you continue to move forward in your ascension process, is all about finding that vibrational match to yourselves as you are being drawn more into nature, or you are being drawn, attracted to other people of like mind, like soul, like body.

All of this, the match that you are all looking for, because you are drawn to that, it is calling you, the vibrational frequency match is calling you and allow that call to happen, allow yourself to be attracted to whatever it is, it can be people, it can be nature, it can also be materialistic things as well, if there are those things that you are desiring in your life.

Those things that are calling to you, whatever they might be and allow it to be, allow yourself to be a match to those, to those, whatever it is.

But certainly to people, you will find more and more that you are attracted to those of like mind and repelled by those that are not of a like mind. and that is okay.

It is okay to find your way in a different path, you are on a different path from many others, even those of, some of your family, your friends, your acquaintances.

You are on your own path. They are on their path and allow that process to be, do not try to control it, just let it be what it is and you will find if you do that, you will be attracted to higher vibrational frequency matches whatever that might be, whatever that will bring to you in your life. It will bring you whatever it is that you are needing, the universe shall provide for you.

However you are matching to that universe. That is where you are all headed, so allow that process. Allow the diverging, I have mentioned this before, other sources have been mentioning this more and more now, the diverging timelines are indeed happening.

And you are finding that all of the old timelines, the old three-dimensional illusion is being brought out into the light, the shadows of that illusion are being brought into the light. The truth, the truth indeed shall set you free. That is what that means. It will indeed set you free as you allow the process to continue. Do not be concerned about what it is that you see with your physical eyes.

That is an illusion, always know that as you see that third dimensional illusion; the matrix if you will, and you do not any more become encumbered by it, being held by it, being mired in this sludge that is there. Allow for yourself to be drawn out of that more and more. And as you do that you will find that your life will take on a different direction, a different path if you will.

But always, you will be following the path that you were meant to follow, the path that is leading you out of that third dimensional illusion up into the fourth dimension and beyond into the fifth and even higher than that.

So as always allow the process, trust the plan because it is working out exactly as it needs to, the universe is indeed providing exactly as you need to, so even though you look at those things that are happening in that third dimensional illusion in the matrix, you realize that it is indeed an illusion.

I am archangel Michael and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness and that you continue to realize the illusion is fading more and more, and in place of that, is the new higher reality of your own creation.

Ascension Bites - Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Allow your true self out.

Give her or him a voice. 

A method of clear expression.

Allow your true self 

to touch the very air you breathe. 

Little by little

with no more avoidance.

You are going to see more of the true self

that up until now has been taking cover and hiding out 

express itself in ways that are truly far out.