Friday, January 17, 2025

Is It Really? | The Creator via Jennifer Farley - January 16, 2025

January 16, 2025

Is It Really?

Before you bemoan the loss of something in your life…stop, check in and ask yourself, “Is this really a loss?”  The Universe has known and planned with you since the beginning.  You were given the gift of free will and an infinite number of choices. 

Any decisions along the way were made solely by you.  If you have moved away from something/someone, go ahead a grieve a little.  That is your right.  When it is time to begin focusing on your growth again, you will know and begin accordingly.  Always remember, The Universe is standing by to assist. 

~ Creator

The Creator Writings

The Creators Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton - January 17, 2024

 Why Would You Play This Human Game? ∞The Creators

why would you play this human game - the creators - channeled by daniel scranton

Click the Pic Above to Watch Me Channel this Message

“We are The Creators. We are twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings and we are here to help.

We access so much as we connect in with all of you there on Earth in this very moment, because who you are in this very moment is different from who you were five minutes ago. And we want you to take that in and to realize that we have to keep up with you, because you are expanding and changing so quickly. Now, you get to decide who you are becoming as well. And when you are awake, you realize that you are deciding in each moment who you want to be and sometimes who you believe you can be.

And when you can continue to spread yourself out because you believe more is possible, that expansion is really an expansion of your sense of self, the you that you think of when you think of your ‘self.’ As you continue to do this more consciously and deliberately, it gets easier. You are not meant to repeat the same experiences as the same versions of you over and over again. And that means if you keep having the same circumstances coming up in your experience over and over again, you still need to change. It means that you need to make a new choice in how you respond to those circumstances.

And then you move up a level and you expand out further, and you know yourself a little bit more as Source Energy and you have new circumstances, some of which you will like and others will challenge you to once again change and become more and choose differently, and that’s the game you are playing with yourselves. No one else is playing the game for you. You are not the puppet at the end of the strings of some puppeteer in the sky.

It’s always you, and you are meant to expand that idea of what is meant by ‘the self’ so that you can see that it’s always been you. It’s just the larger you, the whole you, the more complete you. And as you align with that you, then you make the better choices, and you respond in the ways that serve you better. This is the game of mastery. This is a game that only masters would dare play, and the stakes are high.

You are told that you could die and you could go to Hell for eternity there on Earth, and you have to contend with all of that as you move through the maze, the labyrinth that is your life experience. And so, you’ve made it an exciting game, a challenging game, and ultimately a very satisfying game when you realize what the rules are. And it becomes easier to play the game that you are playing when you realize that you are meant to go beyond the limitations that the game seems to be placing upon you, and you know what those tricks are to do that. You just have to make the choices to do them.

You have to choose to take on a new perspective, to forgive, to meditate, to take time for yourself, to heal, to process and clear old, stuck emotions, to examine your beliefs. And these are the ways you move beyond the limitations, and you become the higher you, the higher self that you were always underneath it all and that you will always be in a state of becoming.

There will always be a higher self for you to move into next, and that’s what makes the game fun, and eternal, and expansive, and infinite, and we are all fortunate to play it. We are all aspects of Source, different game pieces, who get to experience all of this for the fun of it, which is why you would play any game that you play.

We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”

God's Dream of You - Heavenletter #380

God said:

Now that you know greatness resides within you, you will begin to more easily see the greatness within others. You don't have to. It is not something you are ordering. It is something you will begin to see. You will see a whisper of greatness in others. I am there.

It takes great courage to continue on earth, plagued as you are with your thoughts and your fears. You believe that your life on earth is a running of the gauntlet, and you are out of breath. And this gauntlet continues. There is hardly a respite. You long for the still waters where you can drink and sit a while.

The still waters are within you. That is where you want to reach. The still small voice is within you, and it is within everyone. The key to unlocking it is awareness.

Instead of Pandora's box, consider life a treasure chest, from which, when you open it, angels fly. Or butterflies if you prefer.

If you could but abandon the thought of trouble, trouble would flee.

There is a lot of concentration on trouble. On germs, on disease, on accidents, on catastrophes, on fears. Put some of that attention on loveliness that befalls.

Instead of gearing yourself up to withstand what life offers, offer yourself to life gently. Be a watcher of life, a greeter of it. Do not require admittance from others. Make it a given that goodness reaches you. Do not disband your heart. Allow it.

You are not the wanderer in the desert that you fear is the case. You are not a lost wanderer, and there is water everywhere. The riches of the universe abound. Look.

And each individual you meet has a message that corresponds to a thought of yours. Stop thinking of your untowardly thoughts, and acknowledge that this person has come to you as a blessing. You are being offered something you sought. Therefore, seek goodness, and look for it.

Anticipate goodness befalling you. You predict woe enough. You predict the weather. Now predict the goodness that is waiting for you to call it to you.

Imagine an onslaught of love rushing to you. It is like an ocean, and you ride the waves of that love that rush to you. You swim in this tide of love, and you propel it with your arms, and you are immersed in it at the same time as you lightly float. And you become the ocean, and you are the current of love that reaches everywhere.

From that ocean of love, you came. And you look to meet it again. You carry the moisture of the ocean and the crystals of salt. You are a capsule of all the love that has ever existed. Open up yourself. You have been closed long enough.

Enough thinking of troubles. Think of goodness and wellness and all that I bequeath. Be a harbinger of joy, not woe. You have set forth in life to seek your fortune, not your woe. You have set forth in life to discover truth, not illusion. You have set forth to reveal My dream of you.

Consider that you are on earth for Me. As you do, the dimensions of your life will gather themselves into greatness. Even if you don't know what greatness would look like in your life, you can look for it. You can get ready for it. You can set the table for it. You can groom yourself for it. You can open the door for it.

And, when you do, you will see yourself walking in the door. Everyone else who strolls in will also be yourself.

Soon enough you will come to know that what I say is true.

Divine Change by the Celestial White Beings - January 17, 2025


Divine Change
by Celestial White Being

Channeled through Natalie Glasson 

Greetings beloved beacons of light, we are the Celestial White Beings. We come forth with celestial vibrations of pure white light that promote the presence of peace, fulfillment and bliss within your being. Please remember that it is your divine right to be blissful upon the earth. The more that you focus upon the creation of bliss, the more you will notice it navigating into your reality. 


Today we wish to speak of divine change. We also call this, upon the inner planes, the winds of change because to us, on the inner planes, it is as if the Creator is sending very powerful winds through the Universe of the Creator, and these, they catch your intention; they invite you to stop, to ground yourself and to experience the presence of this powerful energy force. In doing so, you invite yourself, as does the Creator invite you, to revalue yourself. 


What we, the Celestial White Beings, mean about this is, you have many things that you value - physical objects, people, thoughts, ideas, perspectives, goals and dreams - and yet, this divine change - these universal winds from the Creator, throughout the entire Universe of the Creator - invite you to look at your values once more. 


In this new emergence of your divine self, you will notice that your values change; some things that you have been holding onto for such a long time, you might find that you no longer need them - they no longer have an importance for you. 


This might also manifest: maybe you have an idea/dream and there is one thing that is stopping you from achieving that dream. It might be something that you value, something that you feel you cannot live without, something that is important or cannot be changed. What you may notice is that you are willing to let go of what is valuable in order to allow something greater to enter into your reality.


It might be that there is a need to let go of a family member, a friend or relationship that is immensely valuable to you. In doing so, you are creating an opening for divinity; the divine Creator to enter through you in an expression. 


It is important that we, the Celestial White Beings, share with you that there is no need to let go of everything that is valuable to you. What we are sharing with you, is that you will notice, naturally/organically, that things that you put importance upon - that were valuable to you - don’t seem to have the same meaning and that you are willing and able to let go of them.


It still may be challenging however you will feel/sense/acknowledge an inner guidance, guiding you to release what is no longer needed, even if it seems valuable at the time. .....................


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Through Natalie Glasson

Ascension Bites - Friday, January 17, 2025

Now that you have forgiven yourself 

can you offer your brothers and sisters a hand 

for what they are still oblivious to, 

when it wasn't so long ago that you also grew?

Do you see why compassion is needed 

instead of another series of yells? 

Only love is going to raise the consciousness to where you are heading now. 

And you can only pass out what you are willing to allow for yourself. 

That is why the compassion must be received for the self. 

And then you will be able to offer it to others as they come to you for help.